Challange for Oct.
We are going to implement a simplifed version of the Gopher Protocol.
Default port 70.
Client: {Opens connection to at port 70}
Server: {Accepts connection but says nothing}
Client: <LF><LF> {Sends an empty line: Meaning "list what you have"}
Server: {Sends a series of lines, each ending with CR LF}
0About internet GopherFStuff:About usFrawBits.micro.umn.eduF70
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. {Period on a line by itself}
{Server closes connection}
0 Item is a file
1 Item is a directory
2 Item is a CSO phone-book server
3 Error
4 Item is a BinHexed Macintosh file.
5 Item is DOS binary archive of some sort.
Client must read until the TCP connection closes. Beware.
6 Item is a UNIX uuencoded file.
7 Item is an Index-Search server.
8 Item points to a text-based telnet session.
9 Item is a binary file!
Client must read until the TCP connection closes. Beware.
+ Item is a redundant server
T Item points to a text-based tn3270 session.
g Item is a GIF format graphics file.
I Item is some kind of image file. Client decides how to display.
#For This months challange we are going to implement a simpilifed Gopher Server
This server will have to following behavior.
The server will listen on port 1337. For this server we will only support 0,1,9,I
sdgopher directory_to_serve
using telenet we will connect to the