This is a WhatsApp Chat Analyzer built with Streamlit, which allows users to upload their WhatsApp chat data and perform various analyses on it. It generates insightful visualizations like word clouds, message timelines, activity maps, and more. The app also allows users to explore statistics such as the most active users, most used words, and emojis.
- Top Statistics: Displays the total number of messages, words, media files, and links.
- Monthly Timeline: Visualizes messages over time (by month).
- Daily Timeline: Visualizes messages by day.
- Activity Map: Provides weekly and monthly activity analysis.
- Heatmap: Shows message activity by day and period.
- Busiest Users: Identifies the most active users in the chat.
- Word Cloud: Displays the most frequent words used.
- Most Used Words: Shows the top 20 most frequent words used.
- Most Used Emojis: Displays the top 20 most used emojis.
- Python 3.6+
- Required Libraries:
git clone
cd whatsapp-chat-analyzer
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`
pip install -r requirements.txt
streamlit run
This will launch the Streamlit app in your default browser.
Upload a WhatsApp chat file:
- Click on the Upload button in the sidebar.
- Select your exported WhatsApp chat file (in
Select a user:
- From the dropdown, choose the user or select "Overall" for the entire chat data.
View the Analysis:
- Click the Show Analysis button to view the results.
The preprocessing function cleans and formats the WhatsApp chat data into a DataFrame for analysis.
import re
import pandas as pd
def preprocess(data):
pattern = '\d+/\d+/\d+, \d+:\d+\s*[ap]m -'
messages = re.split(pattern, data)[1:]
dates = re.findall(pattern, data)
df = pd.DataFrame({'user_message':messages,'message_date':dates})
df['message_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df.message_date.str.replace('\u202f', ' '), format='%d/%m/%y, %I:%M %p -', errors='coerce')
df['user_message'] = df['user_message'].str.replace('\n', '')
df.rename(columns={'message_date' : 'date'}, inplace=True)
users = []
messages = []
for message in df['user_message']:
entry = re.split('([\w\W]+?):\s', message)
if entry[1:]:
df['users'] = users
df['messages'] = messages
df.drop(columns=['user_message'], inplace=True)
df['only_date'] = df['date']
df['year'] = df['date'].dt.year
df['month_num'] = df['date'].dt.month
df['month'] = df['date'].dt.month_name()
df['day'] = df['date']
df['day_name'] = df['date'].dt.day_name()
df['hour'] = df['date'].dt.hour
df['minute'] = df['date'].dt.minute
period = []
for hour in df[['day_name', 'hour']]['hour']:
if hour == 23:
period.append(str(hour) + "-" + str('00'))
elif hour == 0:
period.append(str('00') + "-" + str(hour + 1))
period.append(str(hour) + "-" + str(hour + 1))
df['period'] = period
return df
This function extracts basic statistics like the number of messages, words, media, and links.
from urlextract import URLExtract
def fetch_stats(user_name, df):
if user_name != 'Overall':
df = df[df['users'] == user_name]
num_messages = df.shape[0]
words = [word for message in df['messages'] for word in message.split()]
num_media = df[df['messages'] == '<Media omitted>'].shape[0]
extract = URLExtract()
links = [link for message in df['messages'] for link in extract.find_urls(message)]
return num_messages, len(words), num_media, len(links)
This function generates a word cloud of the most frequent words in the messages.
from wordcloud import WordCloud
def create_wordcloud(selected_user, df):
if selected_user != 'Overall':
df = df[df['users'] == selected_user]
temp = df[df['users'] != 'group_notification']
temp = temp[temp['messages'] != '<Media omitted>']
f = open('stop_hinglish.txt', 'r')
stop_words =
words = [word for message in temp['messages'] for word in message.lower().split()]
wc = WordCloud(width=500, height=500, min_font_size=10, background_color='white')
df_wc = wc.generate(temp['messages']" "))
return df_wc
Feel free to fork this repository and contribute by submitting pull requests. If you encounter any issues, open an issue in the repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.