28M tokens total supply
Initial Rate 3500 Tokens per 1 ETH
40% preminted (11.2M to owner account), 60 % for ICO
the buyer has to send minimum 1 ETH
Vesting period X amount, lets say 3 months for now
ICO stops when 60% of ICO tokens are sold ( when no more tokens available to mint )
Purchasing token function (X amounts of ETH spent grants X amount of extra tokens), (vesting bonus function in milestone 2, the percentage of bonus tokens is within those 60%, for example, 40% are purchased and 20% is vesting bonus on top of that).
Burn mechanism
Milestone 2:
Vesting bonus - 90 days of vesting, each day of vesting gives 0.22222222% extra tokens on purchased amount (optional)
Purchase bonus - if you buy our token for 10 ETH minimum (instead of 5), you get 10% extra.
When ICO is closed leftover tokens are transferred to owners' address.
Deploy script for remix.
You need account infura
Create file .env in root folder with infura ROPSTEN url and MNEMONIC example:
MNEMONIC="word1 word2 word3 ..."
- install all dependencies:
npm install
- run deploy script and follow the instructions. Use regular deployment in menu and ropsten network
npx oz deploy