Keep is a game engine for text-based adventure games written in Kotlin. It features an easy to read and write domain specific language to design scenes, items, characters, actions, and state machines.
Add JitPack to your repositories and keep-engine
to your dependencies on your project's build.gradle.kts
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation("com.github.RowDaBoat", "keep-engine", "0.0.1")
This is a simple game written in Keep with a main character, an NPC, an item and a scene.
fun main() {
val mainCharacter = mainCharacter("player", "John")
val bob = npc("bob", "Bob") onTalk {
io.paragraph("Hello there stranger!")
val potion = item("potion", "Magic Potion", "A mysterious magic potion") onUse {
io.paragraph("You feel the magic going through you.")
val scene = scene(
"Hello Keep",
"Keep is a text game engine.",
actions(Talk(), Use()),
val game = Game(mainCharacter, scenes(scene), "hello-keep")
while (true) {
The game displays the following when run:
| Hello Keep |
Keep is a text game engine.
[ Room ]
There is a Magic Potion[1].
[ Inventory ]
Your inventory is empty.
[ Characters ]
Bob[2] is here.
[ Actions ]
[1] Talk to someone
[2] Use an item
The player inputs an action number, and then a number for the target if necessary.
ie: the input 1 2
talks[1] to bob[2], and 2 1
uses[2] the potion[1].