The minimum requirement by STM32MPU6050Handler is that your PC supports Java 8. It`s all because the library for working with the serial port does not support new versions of java. To verify this, enter the command in the console
java -version
and that's what you should get:
java version "1.8.0_172"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_172-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.172-b11, mixed mode)
For correct run you should have such boards.
USB serial module connection 6050 module approach is: USB serial module + 5V, TXD, RXD, GND
connection VCC 6050 module, RX, TX, GND. Note TXD and RXD cross.
Then you have to be sure that you have installed the cp2102 drivers for USB bridge. If they are not installed, you can download them from the link below
If there are problems when starting through a double click, you should start the program by run the start.bat file or write in the console
java -jar STM32-MPU6050-handler-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
- Real time information display on graphics
- Write data from MPU6050 to a file for later analysis
And the piece of files that we get:
-5.065918 -2.0751953 -0.8544922
-5.065918 -2.1972656 -0.91552734
-1.7700195 0.12207031 -1.2207031
55 51 DD F9 49 FF 6A 04 AF FC DD
55 52 E8 FF 00 00 F6 FF AF FC 2E
55 53 3A 07 C2 26 D5 1F AF FC 70
55 51 D0 F9 3B FF 55 04 A9 FC A7
55 52 AD FF DE FF F2 FF A9 FC C6
55 53 35 07 C3 26 D6 1F A9 FC 67
- Mouse, controlled by MPU6050
- 3D figure whose position depends on the MPU6050
- Solve the problem of memory leak associated with the JFreechart library, and a large load on the CPU
- It is necessary to realize all the remaining possibilities of the Gyro Mouse and create an error correction algorithm
- Add the ability to customize 3D shapes
best regards, Ross Khapilov BMSTU 2018
If you have any questions, contact me [email protected]