- View all tasks : SELECT * FROM list_tasks();
- Current week view: SELECT week();
- Specific week view: SELECT week('YYYY-MM-DD');
- Current month view: SELECT month();
- Specific month view: SELECT month('YYYY-MM-DD');
- Search tasks: SELECT search('term');
- See stats and a burndown chart: SELECT stat();
- Add task: SELECT add('task: YYYY-MM-DD');
- Complete task: SELECT done('task');
- Delete task: SELECT delete('task');
- Update task: SELECT change('Old Task -> New Task: YYYY-MM-DD');
- Quit: \q enter enter
- Scroll Downwards: enter
- Install psql (comes with PostgreSQL or you can use homebrew etc.)
createdb task_manager
git clone https://github.com/RohanAdwankar/pureSQLCLI.git
cat pureSQLCLI/task.sql - | psql -d task_manager
- To improve my SQL fluency as previously I've only written small queries. To learn a language I usually make a CLI. I guess SQL is no exception!
- Needed a quick task manager that didn't have all the excess features and bloat.
- I thought it would be funny to have a fully functional CLI entirely in a .sql file.
- I added all the features I needed but if you want something else feel free to open an issue and I'll get to it!