##Competitive Programming Ristek Fasilkom UI
- Week01: Basic Data Structure (Stack, Queue, and Heap)
- Week02: Fenwick Tree (Binary Indexed Tree)
- Week03: Segment Tree (excluding Lazy Propagation)
- Week04: Math
- Week05: Basic Dynamic Programming
- Week06: Greedy
- Week07: Binary Search
- Week08: Shortest Path & Minimum Spanning Tree
- Week09: Advanced Dynamic Programming
- Week10: String Algorithms
- Week11: SQRT Decomposition and Segment Tree with Lazy Propagation
- Anthony (@anthony-huang) (Head of CP SIG)
- Pusaka Kaleb Setyabudi (@sokokaleb)
- Zamil Majdy (@zmajdy)
- Febriyola Anastasia
- Shandy Darma
- Fersandi Pratama