This guide explains how to install Miniconda, set up a conda environment, and install essential tools for RNA-Seq analysis.
Download the installer from the Miniconda website
Press Enter to continue and view the license agreement.
Use the Up and Down cursor keys to browse through the agreement.
When prompted to accept the license terms, type yes to proceed.
Press Enter to continue and start the installation.
source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate
conda --version
conda init
conda create --name rnaseq_PPL
conda activate rnaseq_PPL
conda install bioconda::fastqc
For each installation, type y when prompted to proceed.
conda install bioconda::trimmomatic
For each installation, type y when prompted to proceed.
conda install bioconda/label/cf201901::samtools
For each installation, type y when prompted to proceed.
conda install bioconda::hisat2
For each installation, type y when prompted to proceed.
conda install bioconda::stringtie
For each installation, type y when prompted to proceed.
fastqc --version
trimmomatic -version
samtools --version
hisat2 --version
stringtie --version