Mutual Aid is a fullstack application designed to help communities invest in one another and build communal wealth. It does not try to solve community issues, but rather provides tools to already-existing solutions that come from the communities.
Users will be able to log in and sign up for a free account. Once an account has been created, they will be able to specify whether they want to join a house or create a house. A house has a capacity of 12 people. Within the house, a user gets assigned a random number from 1-12.
Sign Up
A user signs up to be a part of specific house, or is able to create a house. -
House Limit
When a hosue reaches capacity, the bank begins. If there are 12 people in one house limit, then a user gets assigned a random number from 1-12. -
Monthly Minimum
Every month the user has to put in the minimum amount due. ex: $100/ month -
If they received number 3, then they pay $50 for the entire year but on the third month of the year, they recieve $50 x 12. -
If users don't pay thier monthly due, then the app kicks them out of the house scorebaord, chat, bank, etc.