This repository contains several projects from Game Graphics course.
Each folder contains its own visual studio solution.
All shader file (.fx) are stored in Content folder (Ex. Assignment1/Assignment1/Content/SimpleShading.fx)
All user inputs and basic information are shown while running.
If an error occurs while running, it may because of the out dated frameworks, please choose continue running to see the result.
Visual Studio 2017+
Project 1 implements several basic lighting models including Gouraud, Phong, PhongBlinn, Schlick, Toon, and Halflife.
Users can change lighting models, models, camera position, light position, RGB values of light, light intensity, specular, and shininess.
Project 2 implements several skybox and reflection/refraction models.
Users can change lighting models, models, camera position, light position, reflectivity, Fresnel power, and etaRatio.
Project 3 implements bump mapping with bump normal visualization.
Users can change lighting models, models, camera position, light position, visual techinics.
Project 4 implements a particle system
Press P to spawn particles
Users can change particle textures, camera position, particle movements, friction, toggle wind, and custum velocity.