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Release Fade tool (works on context of mouse, razor or time selection…
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- New option: Use default shape instead of linear when cutting envelopes
- fixed clothest/farthest fade option
- fixed bezier point insertion
- fixed some bugs with crossfades mirroring to envelope
  • Loading branch information
AZpercussion committed Aug 12, 2024
1 parent 9d0c925 commit 55e2a1c
Showing 1 changed file with 100 additions and 30 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
-- @description Fade tool (works on context of mouse, razor or time selection)
-- @author AZ
-- @version 2.1.1
-- @changelog repair saving of text field options
-- @version 2.1.2
-- @changelog
-- - New option: Use default shape instead of linear when cutting envelopes
-- - fixed clothest/farthest fade option
-- - fixed bezier point insertion
-- - fixed some bugs with crossfades mirroring to envelope
-- @provides
-- az_Fade tool (work on context of mouse, razor or time selection)/az_Options window for az_Fade tool.lua
-- [main] az_Fade tool (work on context of mouse, razor or time selection)/az_Open options for az_Fade tool.lua
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,7 +78,7 @@ function GetExtStates(OptionsTable)
local var = option[4][i]
if state == var then
wrong = false

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,6 +138,9 @@ function OptionsDefaults(NamedTable)
'Left/Right fade',
'Closest/Farthest fade' } })

text = 'Use default shape instead of linear when cutting envelopes'
table.insert(NamedTable, {text, 'CutShapeUseDef', false })

text = 'Batch fades/crossfades defaults'
table.insert(NamedTable, {text, 'Separator', nil})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1049,6 +1056,8 @@ function CutEnv(env,pointsTable,areaEdge1,areaEdge2)
if pointsNumber == 0 then return false end

local cutShape = 0
if Opt.CutShapeUseDef == true then cutShape = tonumber(ExtractDefPointShape(env)) end

local inBordRet, inBordVal, _,_,_ = reaper.Envelope_Evaluate( env, areaStart, 192000, 1 )
local outBordRet, outBordVal, _,_,_ = reaper.Envelope_Evaluate( env, areaEnd, 192000, 1 )

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1086,20 +1095,58 @@ end

function GetFadeMouse(item)
local mpos = reaper.BR_PositionAtMouseCursor(false)
local ipos = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value( item,'D_POSITION' )
local iend = ipos + reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value( item, 'D_LENGTH' )
local finlen = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value( item,'D_FADEINLEN' )
local foutlen = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value( item, 'D_FADEOUTLEN' )
local finlenAuto = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value( item,'D_FADEINLEN_AUTO' )
local foutlenAuto = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value( item, 'D_FADEOUTLEN_AUTO' )
local finshape = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value( item,'C_FADEINSHAPE' )
local foutshape = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value( item,'C_FADEOUTSHAPE' )
local window, segment, details = reaper.BR_GetMouseCursorContext()
local mouse_pos = reaper.BR_GetMouseCursorContext_Position()

if MouseCUR:match('left')=='left' then

if finlenAuto > 0 then finlen = finlenAuto end
if foutlenAuto > 0 then foutlen = foutlenAuto end

local fadeType
if mpos < iend - foutlen then
if MouseCUR:match('left') then
fadeType = "L"
elseif MouseCUR:match('right') then
fadeType = "R"
local leftItem = FindXfadedNeigbourItem(item, ipos, iend, -1)

local lipos = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value( leftItem,'D_POSITION' )
iend = lipos + reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value( leftItem, 'D_LENGTH' )
foutlen = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value( leftItem, 'D_FADEOUTLEN' )
foutlenAuto = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value( leftItem, 'D_FADEOUTLEN_AUTO' )
foutshape = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value( leftItem,'C_FADEOUTSHAPE' )
elseif mpos >= iend - foutlen then
if MouseCUR:match('right') then
fadeType = "R"
elseif MouseCUR:match('left') then
fadeType = "L"
local rightItem = FindXfadedNeigbourItem(item, ipos, iend, 1)

ipos = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value( rightItem,'D_POSITION' )
finlen = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value( item,'D_FADEINLEN' )
finlenAuto = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value( item,'D_FADEINLEN_AUTO' )
finshape = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value( item,'C_FADEINSHAPE' )

if finlenAuto > 0 then finlen = finlenAuto end
if foutlenAuto > 0 then foutlen = foutlenAuto end

if finshape == 7 then finshape = 1 end
if foutshape == 7 then foutshape = 1 end

if fadeType == "L" then
local fT = {0,3,4,3,4,2,2}
finshape = fT[finshape+1]
return finshape, ipos, ipos + finlen
elseif MouseCUR:match('right')=='right' then
elseif fadeType == "R" then
local fT = {0,4,3,4,3,2,2}
foutshape = fT[foutshape+1]
return foutshape, iend - foutlen, iend
Expand All @@ -1109,9 +1156,10 @@ end

function ItemFadeToEnv(env,pointsNumber,pointsTable,areaStart,areaEnd)
local item_mouse = reaper.BR_GetMouseCursorContext_Item()
local x, y = reaper.GetMousePosition()
local item_mouse = reaper.GetItemFromPoint(x,y, true)
local fShape, fStart, fEnd = GetFadeMouse(item_mouse)

if areaStart < fEnd and fStart < areaEnd then
local _, infVal, _,_,_ = reaper.Envelope_Evaluate( env, areaStart, 192000, 1 )
local _, outfVal, _,_,_ = reaper.Envelope_Evaluate( env, areaEnd, 192000, 1 )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1740,18 +1788,18 @@ end


function WhatFade(half, i_pos, i_end, mPos)
function WhatFade(half, leftF, rightF, mPos)
local f_type

if Opt.LRdefine == 'Closest/Farthest fade' then --cross define
if half == "top" then
if (i_end - mPos) <= (mPos - i_pos) then
if (rightF - mPos) <= (mPos - leftF) then
f_type = "out"
f_type = "in"
elseif half == "bottom" then
if (i_end - mPos) > (mPos - i_pos) then
if (rightF - mPos) > (mPos - leftF) then
f_type = "out"
f_type = "in"
Expand All @@ -1764,6 +1812,7 @@ function WhatFade(half, i_pos, i_end, mPos)
f_type = "out"

return f_type

Expand All @@ -1773,7 +1822,7 @@ function FadeToMouse(item, itemHalf) --returns table of fades start position
local ilock = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value( item, "C_LOCK" )
if ilock == 1 and Opt.IgnoreLockingMouse == false then return end

local mPos = reaper.BR_GetMouseCursorContext_Position()
local mPos = reaper.BR_PositionAtMouseCursor(false)
local mPosSnapped

if Opt.RespSnapItems == true then mPosSnapped = reaper.SnapToGrid(0,mPos)
Expand All @@ -1782,7 +1831,15 @@ function FadeToMouse(item, itemHalf) --returns table of fades start position

local fadeStartT = {}
local fadeStartEdge

if reaper.IsMediaItemSelected(item) == false then
for i=0, reaper.CountSelectedMediaItems(0) - 1 do
local selItem = reaper.GetSelectedMediaItem(0,i)
local i_pos = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_POSITION")
local i_end = i_pos + reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_LENGTH")

Expand All @@ -1798,7 +1855,7 @@ function FadeToMouse(item, itemHalf) --returns table of fades start position
local leftIlock, rightIlock

if i_autoFin ~= 0 then fLeftpos = i_pos + i_autoFin else fLeftpos = i_pos + i_Fin end
if i_autoFout ~= 0 then fRightpos = i_end - i_autoFout else fRightpos = i_end + i_Fout end
if i_autoFout ~= 0 then fRightpos = i_end - i_autoFout else fRightpos = i_end - i_Fout end

if i_autoFin ~= 0 then
leftItem = FindXfadedNeigbourItem(item, i_pos, i_end, -1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1858,24 +1915,24 @@ function FadeToMouse(item, itemHalf) --returns table of fades start position

local reverse
if leftItem and mPosSnapped < fLeftpos then
f_type = WhatFade(itemHalf, i_pos, fLeftpos, mPosSnapped)
if leftItem and mPos < fLeftpos then
f_type = WhatFade(itemHalf, i_pos, fLeftpos, mPos)
reverse = false
if f_type == 'out' then
rightItem = item
item = leftItem
reverse = true
elseif rightItem and mPosSnapped > fRightpos then
f_type = WhatFade(itemHalf, fRightpos, i_end, mPosSnapped)
elseif rightItem and mPos > fRightpos then
f_type = WhatFade(itemHalf, fRightpos, i_end, mPos)
reverse = false
if f_type == 'in' then
leftItem = item
item = rightItem
reverse = true
f_type = WhatFade(itemHalf, fLeftpos, fRightpos, mPosSnapped)
f_type = WhatFade(itemHalf, fLeftpos, fRightpos, mPos)

if f_type == 'in' then
Expand All @@ -1900,11 +1957,11 @@ function FadeToMouse(item, itemHalf) --returns table of fades start position
fadeStartEdge = SetCrossfade(leftItem,item,areaData)
elseif f_type == 'out' and rightItem then --change cdrossfade
if Opt.IgnoreLockingMouse == false
and ((edgesLock == 1 and globalLock == 1) or rightIlock == 1) then

if Opt.IgnoreLockingMouse == false
and ((edgesLock == 1 and globalLock == 1) or rightIlock == 1) then
local areaData
if reverse == true then
areaData = {areaStart = i_pos, areaEnd = mPosSnapped}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1976,6 +2033,18 @@ end


function ExtractDefPointShape(env)
local ret, chunk = reaper.GetEnvelopeStateChunk(env, '', false)
for line in chunk:gmatch("[^\n]+") do
if line:match('DEFSHAPE') then
local value = line:match('%d')
return value


function MovePoint(env, time, item, pointPos)
--pointPos should be 'left' or 'right' relative to time
if pointPos == 'right' then pointPos = 1 else pointPos = 0 end
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2014,8 +2083,9 @@ function MovePoint(env, time, item, pointPos)
UnselectEnvPoints(env, -1)
_, pValue, _, _, _ = reaper.Envelope_Evaluate( env, timeSnap, 192000, 1 )
pShape = GetPrefs('defenvs') >> 16
reaper.InsertEnvelopePointEx( env, -1, timeSnap, pValue, pShape, _, true, false )
--pShape = GetPrefs('defenvs') >> 16
pShape = tonumber(ExtractDefPointShape(env))
reaper.InsertEnvelopePointEx( env, -1, timeSnap, pValue, pShape, 0, true, false )
UndoString = 'FadeTool - create point'

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2071,7 +2141,7 @@ function PointToMouse(env) --return time table with single point value
else --env in separate lane
local test_y = math.floor( y + (envH/2 + envPad)*OScoeff )

local track, info = reaper.GetThingFromPoint(x,y)
local track, info = reaper.GetThingFromPoint(x,y)
if info:match('envelope') == 'envelope' then
mouseEnv = reaper.GetTrackEnvelope(track, info:match('%d+'))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2206,7 +2276,7 @@ end

CurVers = 2.11
CurVers = 2.12
version = tonumber( reaper.GetExtState(ExtStateName, "version") )
if version ~= CurVers then
if not version or version < 2.0 then
Expand Down

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