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Release Trim left, right or both item edges via mouse and razor v1.5
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- added option for trimming nearest/farthest edge of item as in the Fade tool script
- added TCP user action
- added font scaling for options window
  • Loading branch information
AZpercussion committed Nov 8, 2024
1 parent 1f3699d commit 23b3264
Showing 1 changed file with 99 additions and 11 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,21 @@
-- @description Trim left, right or both item edges via mouse and razor
-- @author AZ
-- @version 1.4.1
-- @changelog - fixed bug with getting Reaper preferences
-- @version 1.5
-- @changelog
-- - added option for trimming nearest/farthest edge of item as in the Fade tool script
-- - added TCP user action
-- - added font scaling for options window
-- @provides [main] az_Trim left, right or both item edges via mouse and razor/az_Open options for az_Trim left, right or both item edges via mouse and razor.lua
-- @link Forum thread
-- @donation Donate via PayPal
-- @about
-- # Trim left, right or both item edges via mouse and razor
-- Use vertical mouse position to trim left or right (top/bottom item half)
-- Use vertical mouse position to trim left or right edge (top/bottom item half) or closest/farthest edge.
-- Use razor to trim items at both sides.
-- To open options window place mouse on transport or mixer panel and press assigned shortcut.
-- Or use a dedicated script from the package.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,6 +59,9 @@ function OptionsDefaults()
OptDefaults = {}
local text

text = 'Respect snap for mouse trim'
table.insert(OptDefaults, {text, 'RespSnapItems', true })

text = 'Respect item grouping'
table.insert(OptDefaults, {text, 'RespGrouping', true })

Expand All @@ -64,6 +71,11 @@ function OptionsDefaults()
text = 'Select items after trimming by razor'
table.insert(OptDefaults, {text, 'SelectItemsAfterRazorTrim', false })

text = 'Mouse top / bottom placement on item is used for'
table.insert(OptDefaults, {text, 'LRdefine', 'Left/Right edge trim', {
'Left/Right edge trim',
'Closest/Farthest edge trim' } })


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,6 +129,23 @@ function OptionsWindow()
local loopcnt = 0
local _, imgui_version_num, _ = reaper.ImGui_GetVersion()

local tcpActIDstr = reaper.GetExtState(ExtStateName, 'TCPaction')
local tcpActName = ''
local section

local savedFontSize = tonumber(reaper.GetExtState(ExtStateName, 'FontSize'))
if type(savedFontSize) == 'number' then fontSize = savedFontSize end
if not savedFontSize then savedFontSize = fontSize end

if tcpActIDstr ~= '' and tcpActIDstr:gsub('%d+', '') == '' then
section = reaper.SectionFromUniqueID( tonumber(tcpActIDstr) )
tcpActName = reaper.kbd_getTextFromCmd( tonumber(tcpActIDstr), section )
elseif tcpActIDstr ~= '' then
section = reaper.SectionFromUniqueID( tonumber(reaper.NamedCommandLookup(tcpActIDstr)) )
tcpActName = reaper.kbd_getTextFromCmd
( tonumber(reaper.NamedCommandLookup(tcpActIDstr)), section )

local esc
local enter
local space
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,8 +248,17 @@ function OptionsWindow()
OptDefaults[i] = option
end -- for

reaper.ImGui_Text(ctx, '' ) --space

reaper.ImGui_PushItemWidth(ctx, fontSize*5 )
_, tcpActIDstr = reaper.ImGui_InputText
(ctx,'TCP context action (paste command ID):\n'..tcpActName, tcpActIDstr)

_, savedFontSize = reaper.ImGui_InputInt
(ctx, 'Font size for the window (default is 17)', savedFontSize)

reaper.ImGui_Text(ctx, '' ) --space before buttons
reaper.ImGui_Text(ctx, '' ) --space before buttons
reaper.ImGui_Text(ctx, '' ) --space before buttons

--Esc button
reaper.ImGui_SameLine(ctx, fontSize*2, fontSize)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,6 +302,17 @@ function OptionsWindow()

function loop()
if not font or savedFontSize ~= fontSize then
reaper.SetExtState(ExtStateName, 'FontSize', savedFontSize, true)
fontSize = savedFontSize
if font then reaper.ImGui_Detach(ctx, font) end
if fontSep then reaper.ImGui_Detach(ctx, fontSep) end
font = reaper.ImGui_CreateFont(fontName, fontSize, reaper.ImGui_FontFlags_None()) -- Create the fonts you need
fontSep = reaper.ImGui_CreateFont(fontName, fontSize-2, reaper.ImGui_FontFlags_Italic())
reaper.ImGui_Attach(ctx, font)
reaper.ImGui_Attach(ctx, fontSep)

esc = reaper.ImGui_IsKeyPressed(ctx, reaper.ImGui_Key_Escape())
enter = reaper.ImGui_IsKeyPressed(ctx, reaper.ImGui_Key_Enter())
space = reaper.ImGui_IsKeyPressed(ctx, reaper.ImGui_Key_Space())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -296,8 +345,9 @@ function OptionsWindow()
reaper.ImGui_PopStyleColor(ctx, 1)

if visible then
if loopcnt == 0 then reaper.ImGui_SetWindowSize(ctx, 0, 0, nil ) end
reaper.ImGui_SetWindowSize(ctx, 0, 0, nil )
--if loopcnt == 0 then reaper.ImGui_SetWindowSize(ctx, 0, 0, nil ) end

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -941,6 +991,37 @@ end

function WhatTrim(half, leftF, rightF, mPos)
local f_type

if Opt.LRdefine == 'Closest/Farthest edge trim' then --cross define
if half == "top" then
if (rightF - mPos) <= (mPos - leftF) then
f_type = "right"
f_type = "left"
elseif half == "bottom" then
if (rightF - mPos) > (mPos - leftF) then
f_type = "right"
f_type = "left"
elseif Opt.LRdefine == 'Left/Right edge trim' then
if half == "top" then
f_type = "left"
elseif half == "bottom" then
f_type = "right"

return f_type


function MouseTrim()

local item, half = GetTopBottomItemHalf()
Expand All @@ -953,8 +1034,13 @@ function MouseTrim()
reaper.Undo_BeginBlock2( 0 )
reaper.PreventUIRefresh( 1 )

_, _, _ = reaper.BR_GetMouseCursorContext()
local trimTime = reaper.SnapToGrid(0,reaper.BR_GetMouseCursorContext_Position())
local mPos = reaper.BR_PositionAtMouseCursor(false)
local trimTime
if Opt.RespSnapItems == true then
trimTime = reaper.SnapToGrid(0,mPos)
else trimTime = mPos

GroupEnabled = reaper.GetToggleCommandState(1156) --Options: Toggle item grouping override

Expand All @@ -968,8 +1054,10 @@ function MouseTrim()
reaper.Main_OnCommandEx(40034,0,0) --Item grouping: Select all items in groups

local side
if half == 'top' then side = 'left' elseif half == 'bottom' then side = 'right' end
local iPos = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item,'D_POSITION')
local iEnd = iPos + reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item,'D_LENGTH')

local side = WhatTrim(half, iPos, iEnd, mPos)

undoType = trim_sel_items(side, trimTime)

Expand All @@ -987,7 +1075,7 @@ end

CurVers = 1.41
CurVers = 1.5
version = tonumber( reaper.GetExtState(ExtStateName, "version") )

if version ~= CurVers then
Expand Down

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