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Release SWS CF_Preview API demo v1.0.2 (#1371)
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cfillion authored Apr 30, 2024
1 parent 8a4588b commit 1326f1e
Showing 1 changed file with 91 additions and 101 deletions.
192 changes: 91 additions & 101 deletions Development/cfillion_SWS CF_Preview API demo.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,11 @@
-- @description SWS CF_Preview API demo
-- @author cfillion
-- @version 1.0.1
-- @changelog Fix display of the first peak channel
-- @version 1.0.2
-- @changelog No user-facing changes (internal code cleanup)
-- @donation

dofile(reaper.GetResourcePath() .. '/Scripts/ReaTeam Extensions/API/imgui.lua')

local ImGui = {}
for name, func in pairs(reaper) do
name = name:match('^ImGui_(.+)$')
if name then ImGui[name] = func end
package.path = reaper.ImGui_GetBuiltinPath() .. '/?.lua'
local ImGui = require 'imgui' '0.9'

local SCRIPT_NAME = 'SWS CF_Preview API demo'
local FLT_MIN, FLT_MAX = ImGui.NumericLimits_Float()
Expand All @@ -21,29 +15,25 @@ ImGui.Attach(ctx, sans_serif)

local preview
local file = reaper.GetExtState('sws_test', 'preview_file')
local volume, pan, fadeInLen, fadeOutLen, loop, reverse = 1, 0, 0, 0, false, false
local outputChan, outputProj, outputTrack, outToTrack = 0, nil, nil, false
local playRate, pitch, preservePitch, measureAlign, seekPos = 1, 0, true, 0, 0
local psMode, psModes, psSubMode, psSubModes = 1, {{v=-1, n='Project default'}}, 1
local peakChans = 2
local volume, pan, fadein_len, fadeout_len, loop, reverse = 1, 0, 0, 0, false, false
local output_chan, output_proj, output_track, out_to_track = 0, nil, nil, false
local play_rate, pitch, preserve_pitch, measure_align, seek_pos = 1, 0, true, 0, nil
local ps_mode, ps_modes, ps_sub_mode, ps_sub_modes = 1, {{v=-1, n='Project default'}}, 1
local peak_chans = 2

local function updatePitchShiftSubmodes()
psSubModes = {}
local i = 0
while true do
local mode = reaper.EnumPitchShiftSubModes(psModes[psMode].v, i)
ps_sub_modes = {}
for i = 0, math.huge do
local mode = reaper.EnumPitchShiftSubModes(ps_modes[ps_mode].v, i)
if not mode then break end
psSubModes[#psSubModes + 1] = mode
i = i + 1
ps_sub_modes[#ps_sub_modes + 1] = mode

local i = 0
while true do
for i = 0, math.huge do
local rv, mode = reaper.EnumPitchShiftModes(i)
if not rv then break end
if mode then psModes[#psModes + 1] = {v=i, n=mode} end
i = i + 1
if mode then ps_modes[#ps_modes + 1] = {v=i, n=mode} end

Expand All @@ -65,65 +55,65 @@ local function formatChan(chan)

local function pitchMode()
if psModes[psMode].v == -1 then
if ps_modes[ps_mode].v == -1 then
return -1
return (psModes[psMode].v << 16) | (psSubMode - 1)
return (ps_modes[ps_mode].v << 16) | (ps_sub_mode - 1)

local function outputSelect()
local rv = false
if ImGui.RadioButton(ctx, 'Hardware output', not outToTrack) then
outToTrack = false
if ImGui.RadioButton(ctx, 'Hardware output', not out_to_track) then
out_to_track = false
rv = true
ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(ctx, 110)
if ImGui.BeginCombo(ctx, '##chan', formatChan(outputChan)) then
local monoChanged
monoChanged, outputChan = ImGui.CheckboxFlags(ctx, 'Mono', outputChan, 1024)
if monoChanged then rv = true end
if ImGui.BeginCombo(ctx, '##chan', formatChan(output_chan)) then
local mono_changed
mono_changed, output_chan = ImGui.CheckboxFlags(ctx, 'Mono', output_chan, 1024)
if mono_changed then rv = true end
local chan = outputChan & 1023
local monoFlag = (outputChan & 1024)
local skip = monoFlag == 0 and 2 or 1
local chan = output_chan & 1023
local mono_flag = (output_chan & 1024)
local skip = mono_flag == 0 and 2 or 1
for i = 0, reaper.GetNumAudioOutputs() - 1, skip do
if ImGui.Selectable(ctx, formatChan(i | monoFlag), chan == i) then
outputChan = i | monoFlag
outToTrack = false
if ImGui.Selectable(ctx, formatChan(i | mono_flag), chan == i) then
output_chan = i | mono_flag
out_to_track = false
rv = true

local numTracks = reaper.GetNumTracks()
if not reaper.ValidatePtr(outputProj, 'ReaProject*') or
not reaper.ValidatePtr2(outputProj, outputTrack, 'MediaTrack*') then
outToTrack = false
outputTrack = reaper.GetTrack(nil, 0)
outputProj = reaper.EnumProjects(-1)
local num_tracks = reaper.GetNumTracks()
if not reaper.ValidatePtr(output_proj, 'ReaProject*') or
not reaper.ValidatePtr2(output_proj, output_track, 'MediaTrack*') then
out_to_track = false
output_track = reaper.GetTrack(nil, 0)
output_proj = reaper.EnumProjects(-1)
rv = true
ImGui.BeginDisabled(ctx, not outputTrack and numTracks == 0)
ImGui.BeginDisabled(ctx, not output_track and num_tracks == 0)
if ImGui.RadioButton(ctx, 'Through track', outToTrack) then
outToTrack = true
if ImGui.RadioButton(ctx, 'Through track', out_to_track) then
out_to_track = true
rv = true
ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(ctx, -FLT_MIN)
local trackName = '<no track>'
if outputTrack then trackName = select(2, reaper.GetTrackName(outputTrack)) end
if output_track then trackName = select(2, reaper.GetTrackName(output_track)) end
if ImGui.BeginCombo(ctx, '##track', trackName) then
for i = 0, numTracks - 1 do
for i = 0, num_tracks - 1 do
local track = reaper.GetTrack(nil, i)
trackName = select(2, reaper.GetTrackName(track))
if ImGui.Selectable(ctx, trackName, track == outputTrack) then
outputTrack = track
outputProj = reaper.EnumProjects(-1)
outToTrack = true
if ImGui.Selectable(ctx, trackName, track == output_track) then
output_track = track
output_proj = reaper.EnumProjects(-1)
out_to_track = true
rv = true
Expand All @@ -138,11 +128,11 @@ local function pitchShiftSelect()
local rv = false

ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(ctx, 200)
if ImGui.BeginCombo(ctx, 'Pitch shift mode', psModes[psMode].n) then
for i, mode in ipairs(psModes) do
if ImGui.Selectable(ctx, mode.n, psMode == i) then
psMode = i
psSubMode = 1
if ImGui.BeginCombo(ctx, 'Pitch shift mode', ps_modes[ps_mode].n) then
for i, mode in ipairs(ps_modes) do
if ImGui.Selectable(ctx, mode.n, ps_mode == i) then
ps_mode = i
ps_sub_mode = 1
rv = true
Expand All @@ -151,12 +141,12 @@ local function pitchShiftSelect()

ImGui.BeginDisabled(ctx, #psSubModes == 0)
ImGui.BeginDisabled(ctx, #ps_sub_modes == 0)
ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(ctx, -62)
if ImGui.BeginCombo(ctx, 'Submode', psSubModes[psSubMode] or '') then
for i, submode in ipairs(psSubModes) do
if ImGui.Selectable(ctx, submode, psSubMode == i) then
psSubMode = i
if ImGui.BeginCombo(ctx, 'Submode', ps_sub_modes[ps_sub_mode] or '') then
for i, submode in ipairs(ps_sub_modes) do
if ImGui.Selectable(ctx, submode, ps_sub_mode == i) then
ps_sub_mode = i
rv = true
Expand All @@ -180,22 +170,22 @@ local function start()

if preview then reaper.CF_Preview_Stop(preview) end
preview = reaper.CF_CreatePreview(source)
if outToTrack then
reaper.CF_Preview_SetOutputTrack(preview, outputProj, outputTrack)
if out_to_track then
reaper.CF_Preview_Setoutput_track(preview, output_proj, output_track)
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'I_OUTCHAN', outputChan)
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'I_OUTCHAN', output_chan)
-- reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_POSITION', position)
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'B_LOOP', loop and 1 or 0)
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_VOLUME', volume)
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_PAN', pan)
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_MEASUREALIGN', measureAlign)
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_PLAYRATE', playRate)
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_MEASUREALIGN', measure_align)
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_PLAYRATE', play_rate)
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_PITCH', pitch)
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'B_PPITCH', preservePitch and 1 or 0)
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'B_PPITCH', preserve_pitch and 1 or 0)
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'I_PITCHMODE', pitchMode())
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_FADEINLEN', fadeInLen)
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_FADEOUTLEN', fadeOutLen)
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_FADEINLEN', fadein_len)
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_fadeout_len', fadeout_len)
Expand All @@ -212,61 +202,61 @@ local function window()
rv, file = ImGui.InputText(ctx, '##path', file)
if ImGui.Button(ctx, 'Browse...') then
local rv, newFile = reaper.JS_Dialog_BrowseForOpenFiles('Select audio file', '', file, '', false)
if rv and newFile:len() > 0 then
file = newFile
local rv, new_file = reaper.JS_Dialog_BrowseForOpenFiles('Select audio file', '', file, '', false)
if rv and new_file:len() > 0 then
file = new_file
reaper.SetExtState('sws_test', 'preview_file', file, false)

local time = ('%s / %s'):format(
reaper.format_timestr(position, ''),
reaper.format_timestr(length, ''))
rv, seekPos = ImGui.SliderDouble(ctx, '##position', seekPos or position, 0, length, time)
local time, want_pos = ('%s / %s'):format(
reaper.format_timestr(position, ''), reaper.format_timestr(length, ''))
rv, want_pos = ImGui.SliderDouble(ctx, '##position', seek_pos or position, 0, length, time)
if ImGui.IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit(ctx) then
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_POSITION', seekPos)
elseif not ImGui.IsItemActive(ctx) then
seekPos = position
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_POSITION', seek_pos)
seek_pos = nil
elseif rv then
seek_pos = want_pos
rv, loop = ImGui.Checkbox(ctx, 'Loop', loop)
if rv and active then reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'B_LOOP', loop and 1 or 0) end

if outputSelect() then
if outToTrack then
reaper.CF_Preview_SetOutputTrack(preview, outputProj, outputTrack)
if out_to_track then
reaper.CF_Preview_Setoutput_track(preview, output_proj, output_track)
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'I_OUTCHAN', outputChan)
reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'I_OUTCHAN', output_chan)

ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(ctx, -340)
rv, volume = ImGui.SliderDouble(ctx, 'Volume', volume, 0, 2,
('%.2fdB'):format(VAL2DB(volume)), ImGui.SliderFlags_Logarithmic())
('%.2fdB'):format(VAL2DB(volume)), ImGui.SliderFlags_Logarithmic)
if rv and active then reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_VOLUME', volume) end
ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(ctx, 55)
rv, pan = ImGui.SliderDouble(ctx, 'Pan', pan, -1, 1)
if rv and active then reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_PAN', pan) end
local avail_w = ImGui.PushItemWidth(ctx, 40)
rv, fadeInLen = ImGui.InputDouble(ctx, 'Fade in', fadeInLen)
if rv and active then reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_FADEINLEN', fadeInLen) end
rv, fadein_len = ImGui.InputDouble(ctx, 'Fade in', fadein_len)
if rv and active then reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_FADEINLEN', fadein_len) end
rv, fadeOutLen = ImGui.InputDouble(ctx, 'Fade out', fadeOutLen)
if rv and active then reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_FADEOUTLEN', fadeOutLen) end
rv, fadeout_len = ImGui.InputDouble(ctx, 'Fade out', fadeout_len)
if rv and active then reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_fadeout_len', fadeout_len) end

ImGui.PushItemWidth(ctx, 50)
rv, playRate = ImGui.InputDouble(ctx, 'Playback rate', playRate)
if rv and active then reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_PLAYRATE', playRate) end
rv, play_rate = ImGui.InputDouble(ctx, 'Playback rate', play_rate)
if rv and active then reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_PLAYRATE', play_rate) end
rv, pitch = ImGui.InputDouble(ctx, 'Pitch adjust (semitones)', pitch)
if rv and active then reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'D_PITCH', pitch) end
rv, preservePitch = ImGui.Checkbox(ctx, 'Preserve pitch when changing rate', preservePitch)
if rv and active then reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'B_PPITCH', preservePitch and 1 or 0) end
rv, preserve_pitch = ImGui.Checkbox(ctx, 'Preserve pitch when changing rate', preserve_pitch)
if rv and active then reaper.CF_Preview_SetValue(preview, 'B_PPITCH', preserve_pitch and 1 or 0) end

rv = pitchShiftSelect()
if rv and active then
Expand All @@ -284,20 +274,20 @@ local function window()
ImGui.SameLine(ctx, nil, 20)
ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(ctx, 72)
rv, measureAlign = ImGui.InputInt(ctx, 'Align to measure', measureAlign)
if rv and measureAlign < 0 then measureAlign = 0 end
rv, measure_align = ImGui.InputInt(ctx, 'Align to measure', measure_align)
if rv and measure_align < 0 then measure_align = 0 end
ImGui.SameLine(ctx, nil, 20)
rv, reverse = ImGui.Checkbox(ctx, 'Reverse', reverse)
ImGui.SameLine(ctx, nil, 20)
ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(ctx, -62)
rv, peakChans = ImGui.InputInt(ctx, 'Peaks', peakChans, 1, 1)
if rv then peakChans = math.max(2, math.min(128, peakChans)) end
rv, peak_chans = ImGui.InputInt(ctx, 'Peaks', peak_chans, 1, 1)
if rv then peak_chans = math.max(2, math.min(128, peak_chans)) end

local avail_w, avail_h = ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail(ctx)
local spacing_x, spacing_h = ImGui.GetStyleVar(ctx, ImGui.StyleVar_ItemSpacing())
local meter_h = math.max(spacing_h, ((avail_h + spacing_h) / peakChans) - spacing_h)
for i = 0, peakChans - 1 do
local spacing_x, spacing_h = ImGui.GetStyleVar(ctx, ImGui.StyleVar_ItemSpacing)
local meter_h = math.max(spacing_h, ((avail_h + spacing_h) / peak_chans) - spacing_h)
for i = 0, peak_chans - 1 do
local valid, peak = reaper.CF_Preview_GetPeak(preview, i)
ImGui.BeginDisabled(ctx, not valid)
ImGui.ProgressBar(ctx, peak, -FLT_MIN, meter_h, ' ')
Expand Down

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