Simple Munin plugins for monitoring Owncloud (tested with Owncloud 9.1) or Nextcloud (should be compatible with Nextcloud 9 and 10, tested with Nextcloud 11)
show the disk space usage per user (size of the file folder only, this does not include the content of file_trashbin or file_versions ones for instance). Include a quota lookup per user (if a quota is set) and provide a critical thresholds trigger when 95% of the quota is reached (parametrizable through env.quotaratio).cloud_disk
show the disk space usage per user (real size, including the file, file_trashbin, file_versions and other working folders).cloud_quota
show the users quotas (none or default are shown as 0)cloud_session
show the number of users opened sessionscloud_share
show the numbers of shares (shared files or folders) per user
Sample setup for '/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node':
env.dbuser owncloud
env.dbpassword password
env.dbname owncloud
env.dbtableprefix oc_
env.quotaratio 0.95
can be any user having a SELECT right on the env.dbname
database used by Owncloud/Nextcloud.
Or at least a SELECT right on the following tables:
: oc_users, oc_filecache, oc_mounts, oc_preferencescloud_disk
: oc_users, oc_filecache, oc_mountscloud_quota
: oc_users, oc_preferencescloud_session
: oc_users, oc_authtokencloud_share
: oc_users, oc_share
The pulgins are currently assuming that the owncloud database is a MySQL one, on localhost. The table prefix can changed using env.dbtableprefix
(by default, it's the owncloud default one which is used: oc_).
cloud_storage: (quota thresholds can be changed using env.quotaratio