Releases: Rarisma/FIREHOSE-APP
FHN: 1.2.0
What's new in Firehose News 1.2.0
New Features
Added Keyword blocking in settings
Added Search bar
Added About this source information (visible in Article/Reader modes)
Added more news feeds
Added Share article Button
Added UI animations
Added filtering by multiple sources
Added article view count*
Added more filters*
Fix UI issues and cleaned up UI in general
Update source backgrounds so they are always visible regardless of theme
Fixed reader mode not working unless set as default
Fixed reader mode title cutting off.
Fixed base64 strings showing in reader mode
Update source icons
Fix readermode background being beige in darkmode.
Features marked with a * are not publically available yet and are in testing, these will roll out to users within a few days
FHN: 1.1.1
Fix elections feed showing up despite UK elections ending
Fix buggy buttons
Fix bookmark text not showing
Fix load more showing on bookmarks when it shouldn't
Bookmarks and Filter buttons are now smaller in width
Category buttons are now slightly smaller in height and width but text size is increased.
Fixed filtering by publisher not working (hydrant)
FHN - 1.1.0
- Update dependencies
- Update DB
- Clean up code
- Update HYDRANT
- Article large images are now shown on high impact articles.
- Updated CommonNavigationBar to shown on reader
- Added report article
- Removed client side filtering
- Added beta token options
- Added sharing buttons
- Update report summary
FHN 1.0.2
Firehose Server
- Changed Article data
- RSS Data is no longer stored
- Added Clickbait counter
- Added Time to read
- Added User Generated Article flag
- Added Sectors
- Added Impact rating
- Updated Article Scraping, reader mode should be better
- Added Minimal mode to GetArticles() to decrease load times
- Added config file
- Added Gemini Support
- Added AOT Support (not enabled yet though due to DSharp+)
- Added Discord Bot Thread
- Added GetArticleText endpoint
- Added Filter caching
- Added ability to scrape from just a URL instead of an RSS feed
- Unsealed SQL class.
- Switched to MySQL instead of MySQL.Data
HALLON API (Firehose API) may be removed in a future release depending on MySQL compatability with UNO
Firehose App
- Increased performance by not requesting all the data for an article
- Switched to MVVM
- Changed how summaries work, tapping an article will now show it's summary instead of holding or swiping
- Updated how articles are given a large image (HeadlineTemplate) to be based on the Impact Score.
- Added ability to report article as clickbait
- Updated reader mode to work better and has the same options as the webview (report, view summary etc)
- Article Times should be more accurate.
FHN: 1.0.1
This release of Firehose News fixes many bugs found in closed private testing of previous builds.
At this time only Android is supported.