"kip" stands for Kotlin Image Processing. This is a personal toy project in which I played around with interacting and modifying images in Kotlin.
The main focus lies on programmatic definition of filters (like brighten, darken, saturate, color curve modifications etc.), which are composed in a functional fashion, heavily utilizing lambdas and higher-order functions.
kip also provides a DSL for writing reusable image processing pipelines using the aforementioned filters.
For demonstration, here's some sample code that applies a custom bloom effect to an image:
fun main() {
val pipeline = buildPipeline {
branch { // branch the image
left { // apply steps to "left" branch
step(retainOnly(maxOver(180))) // only keep pixels which maximum color value is over 180
step(smooth(50, circle(), linear(5.0))) // apply a circle blur with a radius of 50 and a linear falloff
combine { left, right ->
left.add(right, OverflowHandling.NORMALIZE) // add together the processed image with the original, normalizing on overflow
executePipeline(pipeline) {
load {
KipImage(ImageIO.read(File("path/to/myimage.png")), keepSteps = true)
save {
it.saveAllSteps(Path("path/to/myoutput"), "step", "PNG")
log {