Test automation framework for Demo Web Shop application
Java | Gradle | Junit 5 | Selenide | Rest Assured | IDEA |
Selenoid | Allure | Allure TO | Jenkins | Github | Jira |
The test automation framework has been developed in Java using a modern technology stack. It contains both API and UI tests.
There are several tools are used:
- Gradle is a project build management system
- JUnit 5 is used as a test runner
- Selenide is the main tool for UI testing
- REST-Assured is the tool for API testing
- Jenkins is a continuous integration system to launch the tests
- Selenoid is used to run browsers in Docker containers for UI tests
- Jira is an issue tracking system
- Allure Report and Allure TestOps are used to visualize test results
- Telegram Bot is a custom bot using to notify about the test results
✔️ UI Register a new user
✔️ UI login test
✔️ UI login test with incorrect credentials
✔️ Validate authorized users can add a product to cart
✔️ Validate unauthorized users can add a product to cart
✔️ Validate the system displays the login form if an unauthorized user want to check out the order
✔️ Subscribe to the newsletter
✔️ Add product to wishlist with UI
✔️ Search a product by product name
✔️ Search a nonexistent product
✔️ Send e-mail from product page with API
✔️ Add product to wishlist with API
✔️ Add product to cart with API
gradle clean test
clean test