The project goal is to learn and practice new tools and create an example of a test automation framework for writing automated tests.
The tools are used:
- Typescript is a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript
- Playwright is a test automation tool to perform end-to-end testing
- Allure Report is a test results report used to visualize the results of a test run after it has been completed
✔️ Log in with invalid data
✔️ Log in with valid data
✔️ User is able to register a new account with valid data
✔️ Searched product is displayed in the result list
✔️ The result list is empty if product doesn't exist
npx playwright test
npx playwright test --grep @tag_name
You might need to install allure on your local machine
allure generate allure-results -o allure-report --clean
allure open allure-report