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RallyRestAPIForClojure is a Clojure library to access your Rally data. It currently supports querying, creates, reads, updates and deletes. If you would like more information on the Rally Rest API please see Rally's Web Services API documentation.

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Creating a REST API

The rest API is the central object of the Clojure API for Rally. An API can be created with a username/password or with an API key.

(require '[rally.api :as api])
(require '[rally.api.request :as request])

(def rest-api (api/create-rest-api {:username "[email protected]" :password "supersecret"}))
; => #'user/rest-api

(def rest-api (api/create-rest-api {:api-key "mysecret key"}))
; => #'user/rest-api

;; Using an older webservice version
(def rest-api (-> {:username "[email protected]" :password "supersecret"}
                  (request/set-version :1.43))
; => #'user/rest-api


The query API is written in a way that should be comfortable to most Clojure developers. There are three major parts to the query API.

  1. Rally Keyword -> Clojure Keyword Translation
  2. Query Specs
  3. URI Generation

Before we get into the details, let's take a look at a simple example.

(first (api/query rest-api :defect)
; => {:metadata/rally-api-major 2,
;     :metadata/rally-api-minor 0,
;     :metadata/ref  #<URI,
;     :metadata/ref-object-uuid #uuid "f5f770f5-d1e9-4dc7-847a-fd9164d93127",
;     :metadata/ref-object-name "stuff is broken",
;     :metadata/type :defect}

This simple query gets translated into the URL

A couple of things to notice about this first example:

  • The keyword :defect is translated into "Defect"
  • The results of the query are returned as a sequence of maps.
  • The keys of each of the maps have been translated into clojure idiomatic keywords.
  • api/query returns a lazy seq of all the paged results.

Rally Keyword -> Clojure Keyword Tranlation

The rest API tries to make working with Rally in Clojure seem natural. Most of the translations Rally->Clojure and Clojure->Rally are done with a library called camel-snake-kebab. When going from Rally -> Clojure we use the ->kebab-case-keyword translation.

(data/->clojure-case "Defect")
; => :defect

(data/->clojure-case "CurrentProjectName")
; => :current-project-name

The Rally->Clojure translation does a little more than just change case. There are three types of data that are returned in a Rally object: built in, custom and metadata fields. The translation code handles each of these types of data a little differently.

In Rally, metadata fields start with an _ (underscore). Custom fields start with a c_. The API translates each of these two data types into keywords with namespace that represent their meaning.

(data/->clojure-case "_ref")
; => :metadata/ref

(data/->clojure-case "c_MyCustomField")
; => :custom/my-custom-field

As you might guess, the API has the reverse function.

(data/->rally-case :defect)
; => "Defect"
(data/->rally-case :current-project-name)
; => "CurrentProjectName"
(data/->rally-case :metadata/ref)
; => "_ref"
(data/->rally-case :custom/my-custom-field)
; => "c_MyCustomField"

These translations are used when writing queries and returning results. All object fields are translated using the data/->clojure-case function before return the results to the caller. The data/->rally-case function is used when translating queries to their proper Rally format.

Query Specs

Query specs are modeled after honey-sql. Let's look at a couple of examples to get the hang of it.

(api/query rest-api :defect [:contains :name "Foo"])
;; Translates to contains "Foo")

(api/query rest-api :defect [:or [:= :name "Foo"] [:= :name "Junk"]])
;; Translates to = "Foo") OR (Name = "Junk"))

(api/query rest-api :defect [:and [:contains :name "Foo"]
                                  [:or [:= :state "Open"]
                                       [:= :state "In-Progress"]]])
;; Translates to contains "Foo") AND ((State = "Open") OR (State = "In-Progress")))

(api/query rest-api :userstory [:= "Foo"])
;; Translates to = "Foo")

(api/query rest-api :userstory {:query [:= :name "Foo"] :order :state})
;; Translates to = "Foo")&order="State"

(api/query rest-api :defect {:query [:contains :name "Foo"] :order [:state :name]})
;; Translates to contains "Foo")&order="State,Name"

(api/query rest-api :defect {:query [:contains :name "Foo"] :order [:state [:name :desc]]})
;; Translates to contains "Foo")&order="State,Name desc"

Query specs can also contain information like pagesize or start.

(api/query rest-api :defect {:query [:= :name "Foo"] :pagesize 10})
;; Translates to = "Foo")&pagesize=10

URI Generation

Almost anything reasonable can be used as an URI in the API.

(api/query rest-api :defect)
;; Translates to

(api/query rest-api :userstory)
;; Translates to

(api/query rest-api "")
;; Translates to

(def my-defect (api/create! rest-api :defect {:name "foo"}))
(api/query rest-api (:tasks my-defect))
;; Translates to

(def my-defect (api/create! rest-api :defect {:name "foo"}))
(api/query rest-api [my-defect :tasks])
;; Translates to

(def my-defect (api/create! rest-api :defect {:name "foo"}))
(api/find rest-api my-defect)
;; Translates to

Creating Data

;; Create a user story
(api/create! rest-api :user-story {:name "This feature is really cool"})
; => {:description "",
;     :formatted-id "US1",
;     :tags {:metadata/rally-api-major 2,
;            :metadata/rally-api-minor 0,
;            :metadata/ref  #<URI,
;            :metadata/type :tag,
;            :metadata/tags-name-array [],
;            :count 0},
;     .... }

The API allows "defaulting" of data during api/create!. If you want to default data, then you will need to provide default-data-fn. The default-data-fn is a function that takes 2 parameters. The parameters are a type and a data map. The type is the data type in which the user is trying to create (:defect, :task, ...) The data map is the map of data that will be used to create the object.

(let [default-name (fn [type data] (merge {:name "Foo"} data))]
  (-> rest-api
      (request/set-default-data-fn default-name)
      (api/create! rest-api :userstory)))

If you want to pass request parameters such as fetch, pass them as a map:

(api/create! rest-api :user-story {:name "This feature is really cool"} {:fetch :name})
; => {:name "This feature is really cool",
;     ...metadata... }

Updating Data

(def my-user-story (api/create! rest-api :user-story {:name "This feature is really cool"}))
(api/update! rest-api my-user-story {:description "This is my description"})
(api/update! rest-api my-user-story {:description "Only return name for the response"} {:fetch :name})

Updating Collections

;; Add a defect to a user story
(def my-user-story (api/create! rest-api :user-story {:name "This feature is really cool"}))
(def my-defect (api/create! rest-api :defect {:name "This doesn't work correctly"}))
(api/update-collection! rest-api (:defects my-user-story) :add [my-defect])

Setting Relationships

;; Add a parent to a userstory
(def my-user-story (api/create! rest-api :user-story {:name "This feature is really cool"}))
(def my-parent (api/create! rest-api :user-story {:name "Really cool parent"}))
(api/update! rest-api my-user-story {:parent my-parent})

Copying data

;; Copy an artifact
(def my-defect (api/create! rest-api :defect {:name "This defect can be copied"}))
(api/copy! rest-api my-defect)
; => {:description "",
;     :formatted-id "D342",
;     :tags {:metadata/rally-api,
;     ...
;     :metadata/ref-object-name "(Copy of) This defect can be copied",
;     ...}


Copyright (c) Rally Software Development Corp. 2013-2015 Distributed under the MIT License.


The Rally REST API for Clojure is available on an as-is basis.


Rally Software does not actively maintain or support this toolkit. If you have a question or problem, we recommend posting it to Stack Overflow:

Running the tests

  1. Start up alm
  2. Create test data
  3. Back in the RallyRestAPIForClojure directory, add a .lein-env file containing {:username "[email protected]" :password "Password" :rally-host "http://localhost:7001"}
  4. Run lein test or, for a smaller subset of the tests, lein test :only rally.api-test or lein test :only rally.api-test/objects-can-be-copied
  5. Run lein test :integration for deftests with ^:integration metadata.


Access the Rally Rest API from Clojure






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