Live demo is avaliable at:
It was created to learn, extend skills and for practice.
Products is provided by simple json file, but app architecture should handle any products API integration.
- Use dynamic search throu products (filter bar, radio buttons)
- Create fully functional shopping cart, with redux state management
- Use browser localstorage to save shopping cart data
- Create simple contact form with data validation
- Use react-router-dom library. Use switch, to navigate throu app (redirect to 404 page)
- Apply page transition animations (done by use Framer Motion library)
- Learn styled-components library
- Learn proper app layout
- Make sure that UX is good enough (button animations, smooth transitions, set page 0y position after page switch)
- Use state components and functional components with hooks (burger menu click and filter bar arrow click handle)
- Handle Desktop and Mobile responsive UI design