Contained within this repository is a few test builds of a randomized dungeon crawl experiment I'm building.
Requires Unity 5.6.1f to run
Current Build: PDC_build03
Content to Add:
- Character Sheets
- Contains character stats and lists HP, Mana, Attack Mods for weapons wielded
- Inventory
- A list, ability to use an item, ability to drop items, ability to equip items
- Attacking -Based off of what weapon is wielded and attack mods
- General Health
- Contains health values
- Contains status effect
- Spell Casting -Mana costs and whatever the spell does
- Range Indicators for spells
- NPCs -Like Merchants and stuff like that
- Music
- Main Menu
Content Added:
Current bugs:
--Turn System is broken, possible source within MonsterControl.cs that is causing the turn system to always flipa nd never stop on the player.