PMMP Scoreboard
TAGS | Descritpions |
{player_name} |
Pseudo of player |
{player_rank} |
Rank of player |
{faction_name} |
Faction name of player |
{faction_power} |
Faction power of player |
{faction_leader} |
Faction leader |
{money} |
Player money |
{online_player} |
Players online |
{max_player} |
Max player online |
{item_name} |
Item in hand name |
{item_count} |
Item in hand count |
{x} |
Player position X |
{y} |
Player position Y |
{z} |
Player position Z |
{world} |
Player world |
{load} |
Get ticks usage |
{tps} |
Get ticks per second |
{ip} |
Get player IP |
{ping} |
Get ping |
{health} |
Get player health |
{max_health} |
Get player max health |
{food} |
Get player food |
{max_food} |
Get player max food |
{xp_level} |
Get player XP level |
{xp_progress} |
Get player XP progress |
{total_xp} |
Get total player XP |
{world_player_count} |
Get count of player world |
- vanillaEconomy
- EconomyAPI
- BedrockEconomy
- PurePerm
- RankSysteme
- SimpleRank
- PiggyFaction
#$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\
#$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\
#$$ | $$ | $$$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$ / \__|$$$$$$\ $$\ $$\
#$$$$$$$ |$$ _____|$$ | $$ |$$ _____|$$ __$$\ $$$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ |
#$$ ____/ \$$$$$$\ $$ | $$ |$$ / $$ / $$ |$$ _| $$$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |
#$$ | \____$$\ $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ ____|$$ | $$ |
#$$ | $$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$ |$$ | \$$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$ |
#\__| \_______/ \____$$ | \_______| \______/ \__| \_______| \______/
# $$\ $$ |
# \$$$$$$ |
# \______/
refill: 10 # in secondes (10 are recommanded for lags)
enable_disable_world: false
disable_world: ["World", "World2"]
enable_economy: true
economy_plugin: "EconomyAPI" # vanillaEconomy | EconomyAPI | BedrockEconomy
enable_rank: true
rank_plugin: "PurePerm" #PurePerm | RankSysteme | SimpleRank
enable_faction: true
faction_plugin: "piggyfaction" #only piggy faction ;-;
title: "Scoreboard"
# {player_name} = pseudo of player
# {player_rank} = rank of player (with rank plugin)
# {faction_name} = faction name of player
# {faction_power} = faction power of player
# {faction_leader} = faction leader
# {faction_name} = faction name of player
# {faction_name} = faction name of player
# {money} = player money
# {online_player} = players online
# {max_player} = max player online
# {item_name} = item in hand name
# {item_count} = item in hand count
# {x} = player position X
# {y} = player position Y
# {z} = player position Z
# {world} = player world
# {load} = get ticks usage
# {tps} = get ticks per second
# {ip} = get player IP
# {ping} = get ping
# {health} = get player health
# {max_health} = get player max health
# {food} = get player food
# {max_food} = get player max food
# {xp_level} = get player xp level
# {xp_progress} = get player xp progress
# {total_xp} = get total player xp
# {world_player_count} = get count of player world
- "§aName: §f{player_name}"
- "§aRank: §f{player_rank}"
- "§aFaction: §f{faction}"
- "§aMoney: §f{money}"
- ""
- "§aOnline: §f{online_player}§a/§f{max_player}"
- "§aPing: §f{ping}"
My project:
Contactes (for help or suggest to add):
- Discord : psycofeu
- Mail: [email protected]