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Take focused window to new context, Remember renamed workspaces #5

wants to merge 7 commits into
base: master
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202 changes: 176 additions & 26 deletions XMonad/Actions/Contexts.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,40 +1,53 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

module XMonad.Actions.Contexts (
) where

import System.IO

import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.List as L

import XMonad
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import qualified XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState as XS
import XMonad.Actions.WorkspaceNames (setWorkspaceName, getWorkspaceName)

type ContextName = String
type ContextMap = Map.Map ContextName Context

newtype Context = Context
{ ctxWS :: WindowSet
type WorkspaceNames = [(WorkspaceId, String)]

data Context = Context
{ windowSet :: WindowSet
, workspaceNames :: WorkspaceNames
} deriving Show

deriving instance Read (Layout Window) => Read Context

data ContextStorage = ContextStorage
{ currentCtxName :: !ContextName
, ctxMap :: !ContextMap
, contextMap :: !ContextMap
} deriving Show

deriving instance Read (Layout Window) => Read ContextStorage
Expand All @@ -44,52 +57,188 @@ instance Read (Layout Window) => ExtensionClass ContextStorage where
extensionType = PersistentExtension

defaultContextName :: ContextName
defaultContextName = "default"
defaultContextName = "Main"

switchContext :: Read (Layout Window) => ContextName -> X Bool
switchContext name = do
switchContext = switchContextFixedWs []

switchContextFixedWs :: Read (Layout Window) => [WorkspaceId] -> ContextName -> X Bool
switchContextFixedWs fixedWs newContextName = do
ctxStorage <- XS.get :: X ContextStorage
let (maybeNewCtx, newCtxMap) = findAndDelete name (ctxMap ctxStorage)
let (maybeNewCtx, ctxMap) = findAndDelete newContextName (contextMap ctxStorage) -- get new
case maybeNewCtx of
Nothing -> return False
Just newCtx -> do
xstate <- get
let currentCtx = Context (windowset xstate)
newCtxMap' = Map.insert (currentCtxName ctxStorage) currentCtx newCtxMap
XS.put $ ContextStorage name newCtxMap'
windows (const $ ctxWS newCtx)
wsMap <- currentWorkspaceMap -- list of current workspaces

let oldContext = Context (windowset xstate) wsMap -- current Context, including current names of workspaces

let ctxMap' = Map.insert oldContextName oldContext ctxMap -- store current context in map
where oldContextName = currentCtxName ctxStorage

XS.put $ ContextStorage newContextName ctxMap' -- store context

setWindowsAndWorkspaces fixedWs oldContext newCtx

return True

createAndSwitchContext :: Read (Layout Window) => ContextName -> X ()
createAndSwitchContext name = do
createAndSwitchContext = createAndSwitchContextFixedWs []

createAndSwitchContextFixedWs :: Read (Layout Window) => [WorkspaceId] -> ContextName -> X ()
createAndSwitchContextFixedWs fixedWs name = do
createContext name
_ <- switchContext name
_ <- switchContextFixedWs fixedWs name
return ()

-- merge windows from second set into first set if the
-- corresponding workspace id is in the list
-- First Contxt is old; Second context is new
-- Note: visible, hidden, and current workspace(s) have to be handled separately
mergeContexts :: [WorkspaceId] -> Context -> Context -> Context
mergeContexts ids ctxOld ctxNew = do

let stackNew = windowSet ctxNew -- Workspaces of new context

-- first, merge hidden workspaces
let newHidden = map selectWorkspace (W.hidden stackNew)

-- secondly, we merge visible workspaces
let newVisible = map selectScreen (W.visible stackNew)

-- finally, we handle the currently focused workspace
let newFocused = selectScreen (W.current stackNew)

-- update workspaces
let mergedStack = stackNew {
W.hidden = newHidden,
W.visible = newVisible,
W.current = newFocused

-- copy workspace names
let mergedWsNames = zipWith selectWsName (workspaceNames ctxOld) (workspaceNames ctxNew)

Context mergedStack mergedWsNames

selectScreen screen = do
let ws = W.workspace screen
screen { W.workspace = selectWorkspace ws }

selectWorkspace ws = if W.tag ws `elem` ids then oldWs ws else ws

workspacesOld = W.workspaces (windowSet ctxOld)

oldWs ws = fromMaybe ws (find (\x -> W.tag ws == W.tag x) workspacesOld) -- if tag is not found in workspacesOld, return new ws

selectWsName (tag, nameOld) (_, nameNew) = if tag `elem` ids then (tag, nameOld) else (tag, nameNew)

-- set the window set and apply the workspaceNames
setWindowsAndWorkspaces :: [WorkspaceId] -> Context -> Context -> X ()
setWindowsAndWorkspaces fixedWs oldContext newContext = do

-- copy fixed workspaces from curren context
let mergedContext = mergeContexts fixedWs oldContext newContext

-- let Context windowSet workspaceNames = mergeContexts
let Context windowSet workspaceNames = mergedContext

windows $ const windowSet -- hide old windows and show windows from new context
mapM_ (uncurry setWorkspaceName) workspaceNames

-- Returns a map that contains all workspaces
currentWorkspaceMap :: X WorkspaceNames
currentWorkspaceMap = do
ws <- asks (workspaces . config) -- get list of Workspace tags

-- helper function to load the current name of the workspace
let f :: WorkspaceId -> X (WorkspaceId, String)
f tag = do
name <- getWorkspaceName tag :: X (Maybe String)
return (tag, fromMaybe "" name)

traverse f ws :: X WorkspaceNames -- traverse: Applies the functions and converts from [X (WorkspaceId, String)] to X [ (WorkspaceId, String) ]

-- return the default workspace map
defaultWorkspaces :: X WorkspaceNames
defaultWorkspaces = do
ws <- asks (workspaces . config)
return $ map (,"") ws -- set every name to ""

moveWindowToContext :: Read (Layout Window) => ContextName -> X Bool
moveWindowToContext = moveWindowToContextFixedWs []

-- switch to new context while taking the current active window with you
moveWindowToContextFixedWs :: Read (Layout Window) => [WorkspaceId] -> ContextName -> X Bool
moveWindowToContextFixedWs fixedWs name = do
ctxStorage <- XS.get :: X ContextStorage
let (maybeNewCtx, ctxMap) = findAndDelete name (contextMap ctxStorage)
case maybeNewCtx of
Nothing -> return False -- context not found
Just newCtx -> do
maybeWindow <- W.peek <$> gets windowset -- get current active window
case maybeWindow of
Nothing -> return False -- no active window found
Just window -> do
xstate <- get
wsMap <- currentWorkspaceMap -- list of current workspaces

let newWindowSet = W.delete window (windowset xstate)
let oldContext = Context newWindowSet wsMap -- current Context, including current names of workspaces
let ctxMap' = Map.insert oldContextName oldContext ctxMap -- store current context in map
where oldContextName = currentCtxName ctxStorage

XS.put $ ContextStorage name ctxMap' -- store changes

let newCtx' = Context newWindowSet newWorkspaceNames -- insert focused window in new context
where newWindowSet = W.insertUp window (windowSet newCtx)
newWorkspaceNames = workspaceNames newCtx

setWindowsAndWorkspaces fixedWs oldContext newCtx' -- load new context

return True

-- Creates a new context if not already existant
createContext :: Read (Layout Window) => ContextName -> X ()
createContext name = do
ctxStorage <- XS.get :: X ContextStorage
when (not (null name)
&& name /= currentCtxName ctxStorage
&& name `Map.notMember` ctxMap ctxStorage) $ do
&& name `Map.notMember` contextMap ctxStorage) $ do
newWS' <- newWS
let newCtx = Context newWS'
newCtxMap = Map.insert name newCtx (ctxMap ctxStorage)
XS.put $ ctxStorage { ctxMap = newCtxMap }
defWs <- defaultWorkspaces
let newCtx = Context newWS' defWs -- create new context with new workspace names
newCtxMap = Map.insert name newCtx (contextMap ctxStorage)
XS.put $ ctxStorage { contextMap = newCtxMap }

deleteContext :: Read (Layout Window) => ContextName -> X Bool
deleteContext name = do
deleteContext = deleteContextFixedWs []

deleteContextFixedWs :: Read (Layout Window) => [WorkspaceId] -> ContextName -> X Bool
deleteContextFixedWs ids name = do
ctxStorage <- XS.get :: X ContextStorage
let (maybeCtx, newCtxMap) = findAndDelete name (ctxMap ctxStorage)
let (maybeCtx, newCtxMap) = findAndDelete name (contextMap ctxStorage)
case maybeCtx of
Nothing -> return False
Just ctx -> do
-- Kill all windows in that context
let windows' = W.allWindows $ ctxWS ctx
for_ windows' killWindow
XS.put $ ctxStorage { ctxMap = newCtxMap }
return True
Nothing -> return False
Just ctx -> do
-- Kill windows in that context that are not on fixed workspaces
let workspaces' = filter (\ws -> W.tag ws `notElem` ids) $ W.workspaces $ windowSet ctx

for_ workspaces' killWindowsOnWs
XS.put $ ctxStorage { contextMap = newCtxMap }
return True

getWindows = W.integrate' . W.stack
killWindowsOnWs ws = for_ (getWindows ws) killWindow

showCurrentContextName :: Read (Layout Window) => X String
showCurrentContextName = do
Expand All @@ -99,7 +248,7 @@ showCurrentContextName = do
listContextNames :: Read (Layout Window) => X [ContextName]
listContextNames = do
ctxStorage <- XS.get :: X ContextStorage
return $ Map.keys (ctxMap ctxStorage)
return $ Map.keys (contextMap ctxStorage)

newWS :: X WindowSet
newWS = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
Expand All @@ -112,6 +261,7 @@ newWS = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
sds = map SD xinesc
return $ layout workspaces' sds

findAndDelete :: ContextName -> ContextMap -> (Maybe Context, ContextMap)
findAndDelete = Map.updateLookupWithKey (\_ _ -> Nothing)

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