Welcome to Poll Buddy!
Poll Buddy is an interactive questionnaire platform that aims to be an enjoyable and easy to use way to collect answers and insights from a group of people.
RCOS/Project Google Drive (proposal, other project resources): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lCov3Guqql_E-tnq5hascXrdLEYA7Pn6
Site Map: https://draft.io/jubvd. Contact PM for edit access.
Please visit our Wiki for detailed instructions on how to install and run Poll Buddy locally.
New Poll Buddy members can go to our Wiki for instructions on how you can start making contributions to Poll Buddy.
Please click the headers for more details.
- autosize
- mdbreact
- node-sass
- react
- react-autocomplete
- react-countdown
- react-dom
- react-markdown
- react-phone-input-2
- react-router-dom
- react-scripts
- bcrypt
- bson
- cas-authentication
- connect-mongo
- cookie-parser
- cors
- debug
- eslint
- express
- express-session
- http-errors
- influx
- joi
- mongodb
- morgan
- promise-retry