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Ian Eddy
Alex Chubaty
September 2020; updated February 2022


Prepare data required by fireSense_IginitionFit, fireSense_EscapeFit, and fireSense_SpreadFit.


Provide a summary of user-visible parameters.

paramName paramClass default min max paramDesc
.plotInitialTime numeric NA NA NA Describes the simulation time at which the first plot event should occur.
.plotInterval numeric NA NA NA Describes the simulation time interval between plot events.
.saveInitialTime numeric NA NA NA Describes the simulation time at which the first save event should occur.
.saveInterval numeric NA NA NA This describes the simulation time interval between save events.
.studyAreaName character NA NA studyArea name that will be appended to file-backed rasters
.useCache logical FALSE NA NA Should this entire module be run with caching activated? This is intended for data-type modules, where stochasticity and time are not relevant
areaMultiplier numeric,.... fireSens.... NA NA Either a scalar that will buffer areaMultiplier fireSize or a function of fireSize. Default is 2. See fireSenseUtils::bufferToArea for help
cutoffForYoungAge numeric 15 NA NA Age at and below which pixels are considered 'young' --> young <- age <= cutoffForYoungAge
fireYears integer 2001, 20.... NA NA A numeric vector indicating which years should be extracted from the fire databases to use for fitting
forestedLCC numeric 1, 2, 3,.... NA NA Forested land cover classes. These classes will be excluded from the PCA.
igAggFactor numeric 40 1 NA aggregation factor for rasters during ignition prep.
ignitionFuelClassCol character FuelClass NA NA the column in sppEquiv that defines unique fuel classes for ignition
minBufferSize numeric 5000 NA NA Minimum size of buffer and nonbuffer. This is imposed after multiplier on the bufferToArea fn
missingLCCgroup character nonFores.... NA NA if a pixel is forested but is absent from cohortData, it will be grouped in this class. Must be one of the names in sim$nonForestedLCCGroups
nonflammableLCC numeric 13, 16, .... NA NA non-flammable LCC in sim$rstLCC.
PCAcomponentsForClimate numeric 1 1 NA number of PCA components to include from climate variables
PCAcomponentsForTerrain numeric 1 1 NA currently unused - may be needed if using separate terrain and veg PCAs
PCAcomponentsForVeg numeric 10 1 NA number of veg and terrain components to include in GLM
PCAcomponentsFromGLM numeric 5 0 NA the number of components to select from GLM model of burn ~ PCAcomponents
plotPCA logical TRUE NA NA plot the PCA components with a heat map.
sppEquivCol character LandR NA NA column name in sppEquiv object that defines unique species in cohortData
spreadFuelClassCol character FuelClass NA NA if using fuel classes for spread, the column in sppEquiv that defines unique fuel classes
useCentroids logical TRUE NA NA Should fire ignitions start at the sim$firePolygons centroids (TRUE) or at the ignition points in sim$firePoints?
usePCA logical TRUE NA NA use PCA approach to covariates, as opposed to fuel class approach
whichModulesToPrepare character fireSens.... NA NA Which fireSense fit modules to prep? defaults to all 3


Describe what happens for each event type.


Write what is plotted.


Write what is saved.

Data dependencies

Input data

How to obtain input data, and a description of the data required by the module. If sourceURL is specified, downloadData("fireSense_dataPrepFit", "..") may be sufficient.

objectName objectClass desc sourceURL
cohortData2001 data.table Table that defines the cohorts by pixelGroup in 2001 NA
cohortData2011 data.table Table that defines the cohorts by pixelGroup in 2011 NA
spreadFirePoints list list of spatialPointsDataFrame for each fire yearwith each point denoting an ignition location NA
firePolys list List of SpatialPolygonsDataFrames representing annual fire polygons.List must be named with followign convention: 'year' NA
firePolysForAge list firePolys used to classify timeSinceDisturbance in nonforest LCC NA
flammableRTM RasterLayer RTM without ice/rocks/urban/water. Flammable map with 0 and 1. NA
historicalClimateRasters list list of historical climate variables in raster stack form, name according to variable NA
ignitionFirePoints list list of spatialPolygonDataFrame objects representing annual ignition locations. This includes all fires regardless of size NA
nonForestedLCCGroups list a named list of non-forested landcover groups e.g. list('wetland' = c(19, 23, 32)) These will become covariates in fireSense_IgnitionFit NA
pixelGroupMap2001 RasterLayer RasterLayer that defines the pixelGroups for cohortData table in 2001 NA
pixelGroupMap2011 RasterLayer RasterLayer that defines the pixelGroups for cohortData table in 2011 NA
rasterToMatch RasterLayer template raster for study area. Assumes some buffering of core area to limit edge effect of fire. NA
rstLCC RasterLayer Raster of land cover. Defaults to LCC05. NA
sppEquiv data.table table of LandR species equivalencies NA
standAgeMap2001 RasterLayer map of stand age in 2001 used to create cohortData2001 NA
standAgeMap2011 RasterLayer map of stand age in 2011 used to create cohortData2011 NA
studyArea SpatialPolygonsDataFrame studyArea that determines spatial boundaries of all data NA
terrainCovariates RasterStack a raster stack of terrain covariates; defaults are elev, aspect, slope, TRI, TWI NA

Output data

Description of the module outputs.

objectName objectClass desc
climateComponentsToUse character names of the climate components or variables needed for FS models
coefficientPrintOut data.table Coefficients from the logit model
componentPrintOut data.table A data.table showing the PCA axes and their loadings with the different covariates, e.g., fuel, TPI, HLI, etc.
fireBufferedListDT list list of data.tables with fire id, pixelID, and buffer status
firePolys list list of spatialPolygonDataFrame objects representing annual fires
fireSense_annualSpreadFitCovariates list list of tables with climate PCA components, burn status, polyID, and pixelID
fireSense_escapeCovariates data.table ignition covariates with added column of escapes
fireSense_escapeFormula character formula for escape, using fuel classes and landcover, as character
fireSense_ignitionCovariates data.table table of aggregated ignition covariates with annual ignitions
fireSense_ignitionFormula character formula for ignition, using fuel classes and landcover, as character
fireSense_nonAnnualSpreadFitCovariates list list of two tables with veg PCA components, burn status, polyID, and pixelID
fireSense_spreadFormula character formula for spread, using climate and terrain components, as character
ignitionFitRTM RasterLayer A (template) raster with information with regards to the spatial resolution and geographical extent of fireSense_ignitionCovariates. Used to pass this information onto fireSense_ignitionFitted Needs to have number of non-NA cells as attribute (ignitionFitRTM@data@attributes$nonNAs).
landcoverDT data.table data.table with pixelID and relevant landcover classes that is used by predict functions.
nonForest_timeSinceDisturbance2001 RasterLayer time since burn for non-forested pixels in 2001
nonForest_timeSinceDisturbance2011 RasterLayer time since burn for non-forested pixels in 2011
PCAclimate prcomp PCA model for climate covariates, needed for fireSensePredict
PCAcoeffPlot gglot ggplot with PCA loadings for axes used to predict spread
PCAveg prcomp PCA model for veg and LCC covariates, needed for FS models
spreadFirePoints list list of spatialPolygonDataFrame objects representing annual fire centroids. This only includes fires that escaped (e.g. size > res(flammableRTM).
terrainDT data.table data.table with pixelID and relevant terrain variables used by predict models
vegComponentsToUse character names of the veg components to use in ignition, escape, and spread predict models

Links to other modules

Outputs used by fireSense_IginitionFit, fireSense_EscapeFit, and fireSense_SpreadFit.


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