Note : Due to large data files(Github cannot upload files > 100 MB), I have not uploaded the training data, testing data and Validation data in my Github repository. To use the data files I have given the Google drive link for using the training,testing and validation.
- Traffic sign classification is an important task for self driving cars.
- In this project, a Deep Network known as LeNet will be used for traffic sign images classification.
- The dataset contains 43 different classes of images. Classes are as listed below: ( 0, b'Speed limit (20km/h)') ( 1, b'Speed limit (30km/h)') ( 2, b'Speed limit (50km/h)') ( 3, b'Speed limit (60km/h)') ( 4, b'Speed limit (70km/h)') ( 5, b'Speed limit (80km/h)') ( 6, b'End of speed limit (80km/h)') ( 7, b'Speed limit (100km/h)') ( 8, b'Speed limit (120km/h)') ( 9, b'No passing') (10, b'No passing for vehicles over 3.5 metric tons') (11, b'Right-of-way at the next intersection') (12, b'Priority road') (13, b'Yield') (14, b'Stop') (15, b'No vehicles') (16, b'Vehicles over 3.5 metric tons prohibited') (17, b'No entry')(18, b'General caution') (19, b'Dangerous curve to the left')(20, b'Dangerous curve to the right') (21, b'Double curve')(22, b'Bumpy road') (23, b'Slippery road')(24, b'Road narrows on the right') (25, b'Road work')(26, b'Traffic signals') (27, b'Pedestrians') (28, b'Children crossing')(29, b'Bicycles crossing') (30, b'Beware of ice/snow')31, b'Wild animals crossing') (32, b'End of all speed and passing limits') (33, b'Turn right ahead')(34, b'Turn left ahead') (35, b'Ahead only') (36, b'Go straight or right')(37, b'Go straight or left') (38, b'Keep right') (39, b'Keep left')(40, b'Roundabout mandatory') (41, b'End of no passing') (42, b'End of no passing by vehicles over 3.5 metric tons')
The network used is called Le-Net that was presented by Yann LeCun
The model consists of the following layers:
STEP 1: THE FIRST CONVOLUTIONAL LAYER #1 Input = 32x32x1 Output = 28x28x6 Output = (Input-filter+1)/Stride* => (32-5+1)/1=28 Used a 5x5 Filter with input depth of 3 and output depth of 6 Apply a RELU Activation function to the output pooling for input, Input = 28x28x6 and Output = 14x14x6
- Stride is the amount by which the kernel is shifted when the kernel is passed over the image.
STEP 2: THE SECOND CONVOLUTIONAL LAYER #2 Input = 14x14x6 Output = 10x10x16 Layer 2: Convolutional layer with Output = 10x10x16 Output = (Input-filter+1)/strides => 10 = 14-5+1/1 Apply a RELU Activation function to the output Pooling with Input = 10x10x16 and Output = 5x5x16
STEP 3: FLATTENING THE NETWORK Flatten the network with Input = 5x5x16 and Output = 400
STEP 4: FULLY CONNECTED LAYER Layer 3: Fully Connected layer with Input = 400 and Output = 120 Apply a RELU Activation function to the output
STEP 5: ANOTHER FULLY CONNECTED LAYER Layer 4: Fully Connected Layer with Input = 120 and Output = 84 Apply a RELU Activation function to the output
STEP 6: FULLY CONNECTED LAYER Layer 5: Fully Connected layer with Input = 84 and Output = 43