This aren't powershell script, but a collection of scripts I used for my MDT deployments. I figured it could be useful for others.
- This is part of my MDT automation Project
I have all my MDT applications seperated into individual folders
- all have a source folder and config folder. Not all of them use a config folder.
- Some of the applications use an additional version folder.
- MDT/SCCM integration
- This script ( will update the folder and script versions (see its list)
- Logs most applications to _SMSTSLogs\AppLogs
Use 3rdPartyDownload script ( to download the software
Run MDTApplicationUpdater script ( and point it to the place the first script downloaded the software to. This will update MDT's application.xml and corresponding wsf scripts versions NOTE: make sure your MDT application is labeled by the product name and architecture. eg. Java x64
Build MDT applications and use command: cscript Install-.wsf /arch:x64|x86
the /arch parameter are used fro applications that has both architectrue versions available. For intance, you can install Office 2016 32-bit or 64-bit on a 64-bit Windows. I have a application that has both version, but in different folders. To sepecify the right folder with writing two scripts I use the /arch parameter.
If no /arch parameter is specified, it will use the OS architecture variable and if that can't be determined (not using MDT/SCCM), it defaults to x86
eg. cscript Install-Office.wsf /arch:x86
In time I want to get updates from all the 3rd party applications that I can think an enterprise use (including office updates)