Space is a WIP 2D / 3D game engine made for fun.
It is cross platform and uses GLFW, OpenGL and ImGui.
Please note that there is no official release for the project, and it is unlikely that there will be any in the future
I'm mainly doing this to progress in c++ and OpenGL and because I always wanted to develop my own game engine.
First, get the repo on your computer.
git clone
cd Space
Get the submodules too
git submodule init
git submodule update
Space comes in 3 parts: the engine, the editor, and the tests.
Each part has it's own folder: core, editor and tests respectively.
You need python to build the project:
This compiles the core folder into a library called SpaceEngine that is located in build/core/
The editor executable can be found in build/editor/
The tests executable can be found in build/tests/
Space is using some external libraries :
- GLFW - Graphic library.
- Glad - OpenGL loader.
- GLM - Mathematics OpenGL library.
- ImGui - C++ GUI.
- Assimp - 3D model loader.
- stb - Collection of convenient single header libraries.
- nlohmann/json - JSON for Modern C++.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.