Seminars and Lectures are available at appropriate folders
Math statistics. Stepik course
Numerical Linear Algebra by FastAI
Numerical Linear Algebra by Skoltech
Matrix Cook Book. Formulas for Matrix Differentiation and much more
Basic ones are: Numpy, Pandas, Sklearn, Matplotlib, Scipy. Check out their main sites - they are great and have a lot of tutorials
ScipyLecture Notes - it is unofficial site, but it has lot of information about each library
Coursera. Courses by Andrew NG
Coursera. Specialization by Yandex & MIPT
Tensorflow. Deep Learning framework by Google
Pytorch. Deep Learning framework by Facebook (Meta). Arguably, the most popular one
JAX. Autograd framework by Google
Keras. High-level framework built on Tensorflow
Pytorch-lightning. High level framework built on Pytorch
Catalyst. High level framework built on Pytorch
Machine Learning @ MIPT course
DeepLearningBook. Probably, the greatest book about deep learning
DiveIntoDeepLearning. Interactive book with lots of practice
CS231n. Computer Vision course @ Standford
CS224n. NLP course @ Standford
ODS community. The biggest russian speaking community of ds&ml enthusiasts
Papers with code. A great overview of the recent research in ml field
TowardsDataScience. Great blog-post about DS&ML (Friendly for beginners)