PHP library for PlanetHoster API
We recommend to install this library with composer.
To install composer follow the official documentation. The following command should also work:
curl -sS | php
To install the library, enter the following command in your PHP project directory:
composer require planethoster/planethoster-api
Or edit composer.json
and add:
"require": {
"planethoster/planethoster-api": "^1.0"
Inspired by toin0u/DigitalOceanV2 design, we use Adapter
interface to make the Http requests.
By default, we provide an adapter for Guzzle with GuzzleHttpAdapter
You can also build your own by implementing the Adapter
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use PlanetHoster\Adapter\GuzzleHttpAdapter;
use PlanetHoster\PlanetHoster;
// create an adapter with api_user and api_key
$adapter = new GuzzleHttpAdapter('your_api_user', 'your_api_key');
// create a PlanetHoster object
$planethoster = new PlanetHoster($adapter);
// Get your PlanetHoster account information
$infos = $planethoster->account()->Info();
// ...
- Gabriel Poulenard-Talbot for PlanetHoster