Local manifest addon for ICS to build for the Droid X2 (readme based off Kindle Fire)
Make a build directory:
mkdir cm9system (or whatever name you choose)
cd cm9system (or the name you chose)
To initialize your local repository using the CM9 manifest, use commands like these:
repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b ics
curl -L -o .repo/local_manifest.xml -O -L https://raw.github.com/dragonzkiller/android_local_daytona/ics/local_manifest.xml
( or Download: https://github.com/dragonzkiller/android_local_daytona/blob/ics/local_manifest.xml
and place it in ~/cm9system/.repo/local_manifest.xml (or ~/'name you chose'/.repo)
Then to sync up:
repo sync
To build CyangogenMod for the Droid X2:
cd ~/cm9system (or ~/'name you chose')
. build/envsetup.sh (or `source build/envsetup.sh')
brunch daytona
To build a specific package for the Droid X2:
cd ~/cm9system (or ~/'name you chose')
. build/envsetup.sh (or `source build/envsetup.sh')
lunch cm_daytona-userdebug
mmm -B location/to/package/ (must have Android.mk in that directory)
(or `cd location/to/package/'
`mm -B")