This project contains python scripts for reducing the Linux Distribution Timeline to the most popular distributions (according to Distrowatch) and their ancestors.
- git
- gnuclad
- Python3
- BeautifulSoup4
git clone --recursive
Generate a list containing the top NUM distros on Distrowatch and write it to LISTFILE:
Possible timeframes are:
- 0: last 12 months
- 1: last 6 months
- 2: last 3 months
- 3: last month
Generate a csv for gnuclad using LISTFILE and write it to CSVFILE (in linuxtimeline/):
./sanitize_csv LISTFILE linuxtimeline/ldt.csv replacements.json linuxtimeline/CSVFILE
Generate the image using gnuclad and write it to SVGFILE:
cd linuxtimeline
gnuclad CSVFILE SVGFILE ldt.conf