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optimizing and refactoring parser and generator basis
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Janis Erdmanis committed Nov 3, 2024
1 parent 8a81924 commit 96cd3cc
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Showing 9 changed files with 290 additions and 109 deletions.
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
name = "SigmaProofs"
uuid = "f8559b4c-f045-44a2-8db2-503e40bb7416"
authors = ["Janis Erdmanis <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.1.2"
version = "0.2.0"

BitIntegers = "c3b6d118-76ef-56ca-8cc7-ebb389d030a1"
CryptoGroups = "bc997328-bedd-407e-bcd3-5758e064a52d"
CryptoPRG = "d846c407-34c1-46cb-aa27-d51818cc05e2"
CryptoUtils = "04afed74-ac16-11e9-37b6-1352e3e05830"
InteractiveUtils = "b77e0a4c-d291-57a0-90e8-8db25a27a240"
Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"

CryptoGroups = "0.5.0"
CryptoPRG = "0.1.1"
BitIntegers = "0.3.2"
CryptoGroups = "0.6"
CryptoPRG = "0.2"
CryptoUtils = "0.1.1"
InteractiveUtils = "1.10"
Random = "1.10"
Expand Down
244 changes: 159 additions & 85 deletions src/Parser.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Parser

using ...ElGamal: ElGamalRow
using CryptoGroups.Curves: a, b, field, gx, gy
using CryptoGroups: PGroup, ECGroup, Group, value, concretize_type, spec, generator, name, ECPoint, modulus, order
using CryptoGroups: PGroup, ECGroup, Group, value, concretize_type, spec, generator, name, ECPoint, modulus, order, octet
using CryptoPRG.Verificatum: HashSpec
import CryptoGroups.Fields: bitlength # TODO: import -> using
using CryptoGroups.Utils: int2octet, @check
Expand All @@ -13,16 +13,16 @@ import Base.==
tobig(x) = parse(BigInt, bytes2hex(reverse(x)), base=16)
interpret(::Type{BigInt}, x::Vector{UInt8}) = tobig(reverse(x))

function interpret(::Type{T}, x::Vector{UInt8}) where T <: Integer

function interpret(::Type{T}, x::AbstractVector{UInt8}) where T <: Integer
L = bitlength(T) Γ· 8
y = UInt8[zeros(UInt8, L - length(x))..., x...]

r = reinterpret(T, reverse(y))[1]
return r
result = zero(T)
for i in 1:min(length(x), L)
result |= T(x[length(x)-i+1]) << (8(i-1)) # @inbounds
return result

function int2bytes(x::Integer)
function interpret(::Type{Vector{UInt8}}, x::BigInt)

@check x > 0

Expand All @@ -31,10 +31,9 @@ function int2bytes(x::Integer)
hex = string("0", hex)

return reverse(hex2bytes(hex))
return hex2bytes(hex)

interpret(::Type{Vector{UInt8}}, x::BigInt) = reverse(int2bytes(x))
interpret(::Type{Vector{UInt8}}, x::Integer) = reverse(reinterpret(UInt8, [x])) # Number of bytes are useful for construction for bytes.

function interpret(::Type{Vector{T}}, 𝐫::Vector{UInt8}, N::Int) where T <: Integer
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,75 +71,104 @@ Base.push!(n::Node, y) = push!(n.x, y)

toint(x) = reinterpret(UInt32, x[4:-1:1])[1] ### TOREMOVE

function parseb(x)

if x[1] == LEAF

L = interpret(UInt32, x[2:5])

bytes = x[6:5+L]
leaf = Leaf(bytes)

if length(x) == L + 5
rest = []
rest = x[L+6:end]

return leaf, rest

elseif x[2] == NODE
# Add position tracking to avoid array slicing
mutable struct BinaryParser

N = interpret(UInt32, x[2:5])
function read_uint32!(parser::BinaryParser)
val = interpret(UInt32, @view[parser.pos:parser.pos+3])
parser.pos += 4
return val

rest = x[6:end]
function read_bytes!(parser::BinaryParser, len::Integer)
bytes = @view[parser.pos:parser.pos+len-1]
parser.pos += len
return bytes

function parseb!(parser::BinaryParser)
marker =[parser.pos]
parser.pos += 1

if marker == LEAF
L = read_uint32!(parser)
bytes = read_bytes!(parser, L)
return Leaf(bytes)
elseif marker == NODE
N = read_uint32!(parser)
node = Node()

for i in 1:N
head, tail = parseb(rest)
push!(node, head)
rest = tail
sizehint!(node.x, N) # Pre-allocate space for children
for _ in 1:N
child = parseb!(parser)
push!(node, child)

return node, rest
return node
throw(ArgumentError("Invalid marker byte: $marker"))

# Main entry point that maintains the same interface
function parseb(x::Vector{UInt8})
parser = BinaryParser(x, 1)
tree = parseb!(parser)
remaining = if parser.pos <= length(x)
@view x[parser.pos:end]
return tree, remaining

decode(x::Vector{UInt8}) = parseb(x)[1]
decode(x::AbstractString) = decode(hex2bytes(replace(x, " "=>""))) # I could have optional arguments here as well

function tobin(leaf::Leaf)

N = UInt32(length(leaf.x))

Nbin = interpret(Vector{UInt8}, N)
bin = UInt8[LEAF, Nbin..., leaf.x...]

return bin
# Helper function to write UInt32 in correct byte order
function write_uint32!(io::IO, n::UInt32)
# Write length in little-endian format
bytes = reinterpret(UInt8, [n])
# Reverse bytes to match expected format
write(io, reverse(bytes))

function tobin(node::Node)
function encode!(io::IO, leaf::Leaf)
# Write type marker for leaf (01)
write(io, UInt8(0x01))

N = UInt32(length(node.x))
Nbin = interpret(Vector{UInt8}, N)
# Write length of data
write_uint32!(io, UInt32(length(leaf.x)))

data = UInt8[]
# Write data directly
write(io, leaf.x)

for n in node.x
b = tobin(n)
append!(data, b)
function encode!(io::IO, node::Node)
# Write type marker for node (00)
write(io, UInt8(0x00))

# Write number of children
write_uint32!(io, UInt32(length(node.x)))

# Write all child nodes directly
for child in node.x
encode!(io, child)

bin = UInt8[NODE, Nbin..., data...]
# Generic dispatch for Tree type
encode!(io::IO, tree::Tree) = encode!(io, tree)

return bin
# Optional convenience method that returns the encoded bytes
function encode(tree::Tree)
io = IOBuffer()
encode!(io, tree)

encode(x::Tree) = tobin(x)

convert(::Type{T}, x::Leaf) where T <: Integer = interpret(T, x.x)

function convert(::Type{String}, x::Leaf)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,25 +196,36 @@ function Leaf(x::Signed)

Leaf(x::Unsigned) = Leaf(interpret(Vector{UInt8}, x))

function Leaf(x::Integer, k::Integer)

function interpret!(result::Vector{UInt8}, k::Integer, x::Integer)
if x == 0

return Leaf(zeros(UInt8, k))

leaf = Leaf(x)

N = findfirst(x -> x != UInt8(0), leaf.x)
bytes = leaf.x[N:end]
pad = k - length(bytes)

return newleaf = Leaf(UInt8[zeros(UInt8, pad)...,bytes...])
fill!(result, 0x00)
return 0

hex = string(x, base=16)
bytes_needed = (length(hex) + 1) Γ· 2

# Fill padding zeros if needed
if k > bytes_needed
fill!(view(result, 1:k-bytes_needed), 0x00)

# Ensure even length for hex string
if mod(length(hex), 2) != 0
hex = string("0", hex)

hex2bytes!(view(result, k-bytes_needed+1:k), hex)

return bytes_needed

function Leaf(x::Integer, k::Integer)
result = Vector{UInt8}(undef, k)
interpret!(result, k, x)
return Leaf(result)

function Leaf(x::AbstractString)
bytes = Vector{UInt8}(x)
Expand All @@ -213,10 +252,8 @@ function Node(x::Tuple; L=nothing)
return node

############################ COMPOSITE TYPE PARSING ############################

function convert(::Type{Vector{G}}, x::Node; allow_one=false) where G <: Group
return G[convert(G, i; allow_one) for i in x.x]
Expand All @@ -236,19 +273,62 @@ Tree(x::PGroup; L = bitlength(x)) = Leaf(value(x), div(L + 1, 8, RoundUp))
# Probably I will need to replace
convert(::Type{G}, x::Leaf; allow_one=false) where G <: PGroup = convert(G, convert(BigInt, x); allow_one)

### Note that only PrimeCurves are supported.
convert(::Type{G}, x::Node; allow_one=false) where G <: ECGroup = convert(G, convert(Tuple{BigInt, BigInt}, x); allow_one)
convert(::Type{ECGroup{P}}, x::Node; allow_one=false) where P <: ECPoint = convert(ECGroup{P}, convert(Tuple{BigInt, BigInt}, x); allow_one)
# Perhaps I could also use a let here
# It could be made threaad local
const EC_BUFFER = Vector{UInt8}(undef, 1000) # We can make it also thread local
function convert(::Type{ECGroup{P}}, x::Node; allow_one=false) where P <: ECPoint

L = bitlength(field(P))
nbytes_field = cld(L, 8)

x_bytes = @view x[1].x[end-(nbytes_field-1):end]
y_bytes = @view x[2].x[end-(nbytes_field-1):end]

if all(iszero, x_bytes) && all(iszero, y_bytes)
point_bytes = UInt8[0x00]
#buffer = Vector{UInt8}(undef, 1 + 2*nbytes_field)
EC_BUFFER[1] = 0x04
@inbounds copyto!(@view(EC_BUFFER[2:nbytes_field+1]), x_bytes)
@inbounds copyto!(@view(EC_BUFFER[nbytes_field+2:2nbytes_field+1]), y_bytes)

point_bytes = @view EC_BUFFER[1:2nbytes_field+1]
#point_bytes = UInt8[0x04; x_bytes; y_bytes]

return convert(ECGroup{P}, point_bytes; allow_one)

function Tree(g::G; L = bitlength(G)) where G <: ECGroup

nbytes_field = cld(L, 8) # Using cld instead of div(x, y, RoundUp)
nbytes_spec = cld(L + 1, 8)

gxleaf = Leaf(value(gx(g)), div(L + 1, 8, RoundUp))
gyleaf = Leaf(value(gy(g)), div(L + 1, 8, RoundUp))
bytes = octet(g)

if iszero(bytes[1])

leaf = Leaf(zeros(UInt8, nbytes_spec))
return Tree((leaf, leaf))


@views x_bytes = bytes[2:nbytes_field + 1]
@views y_bytes = bytes[nbytes_field + 2:end]

gtree = Tree((gxleaf, gyleaf))
if nbytes_spec == nbytes_field

return gtree
gxleaf = Leaf(x_bytes)
gyleaf = Leaf(y_bytes)

elseif nbytes_spec == nbytes_field + 1 # This is such an unfortunate oversight in the specification

gxleaf = Leaf(UInt8[0x00; x_bytes])
gyleaf = Leaf(UInt8[0x00; y_bytes])


return Tree((gxleaf, gyleaf))

function Tree(x::Vector{<:Group})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -363,9 +443,6 @@ end

function convert(::Type{Vector{ElGamalRow{G, N}}}, tree::Node; allow_one=false) where {G <: Group, N}

#𝐚 = convert(NTuple{N, Vector{G}}, tree[1]; allow_one)
#𝐛 = convert(NTuple{N, Vector{G}}, tree[2]; allow_one)

𝐚 = ntuple(n -> convert(Vector{G}, tree[1][n]; allow_one), N)
𝐛 = ntuple(n -> convert(Vector{G}, tree[2][n]; allow_one), N)

Expand All @@ -384,14 +461,11 @@ function convert(::Type{ElGamalRow{G, 1}}, tree::Node; allow_one=false) where G
return ElGamalRow(a, b)

convert(::Type{NTuple{N, G}}, tree::Node; allow_one=false) where {G <: Group, N} = ntuple(n -> convert(G, tree[n]; allow_one), N)

convert(::Type{NTuple{N, BigInt}}, tree::Node) where N = ntuple(n -> convert(BigInt, tree[n]), N)
convert(::Type{NTuple{1, BigInt}}, tree::Leaf) = tuple(convert(BigInt, tree))

function convert(::Type{ElGamalRow{G, N}}, tree::Node; allow_one=false) where {G <: Group, N}

a_tree, b_tree = tree.x
Expand Down

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