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condensing ECDSA into DSA with CryptoGroups group polymorphism
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Janis Erdmanis committed Sep 10, 2024
1 parent 2121696 commit a96a4a1
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Showing 7 changed files with 77 additions and 157 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "CryptoSignatures"
uuid = "35cc5888-0c46-470e-89c7-eafcaf79a1aa"
authors = ["Janis Erdmanis <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.3.3"
version = "0.4.0"

CryptoGroups = "bc997328-bedd-407e-bcd3-5758e064a52d"
Expand All @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"

CryptoGroups = "0.5"
CryptoPRG = "0.1.1"
CryptoPRG = "0.1"
Nettle = "1"
julia = "1"

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14 changes: 5 additions & 9 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ The first step is to select a curve to make a cryptographic signature with an el
using CryptoSignatures
import CryptoGroups

curve = CryptoGroups.curve("secp192r1")
ctx = ECDSAContext(curve, "sha1")
curve = CryptoGroups.spec(:secp192r1)
ctx = DSAContext(curve, "sha1")

where `ctx` stores all relevant parameters on how to make and verify signatures. The second argument specifies a hash function name, which is forwarded to `Nettle`. In case hashing is done externally to avoid hashing twice, nothing can be passed as an argument like `ECDSAContext(Curve_P_192, nothing)`.
where `ctx` stores all relevant parameters on how to make and verify signatures. The second argument specifies a hash function name, which is forwarded to `Nettle`. In case hashing is done externally to avoid hashing twice, nothing can be passed as an argument like `DSAContext(Curve_P_192, nothing)`.

To make a signature, first, we need to pick a key and calculate a corresponding public key:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,13 +49,9 @@ To use an ordinary DSA with modular arithmetics, we need to instantiate the `DSA

using CryptoSignatures
import CryptoGroups.Specs: generate_pq, generate_g, MODP

p, q = generate_qp(100) # group order with 100 bits as an example (use > 2000)!
g = generate_g(p, q)

group = MODP(; p, q, g)
import CryptoGroups

group = CryptoGroups.spec(:RFC5114_2048_224)
ctx = DSAContext(group, "sha1")

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206 changes: 65 additions & 141 deletions src/CryptoSignatures.jl
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module CryptoSignatures

using CryptoGroups: CryptoGroups, generator, concretize_type, octet, order, PGroup
using CryptoGroups.Curves: ECPoint, gx, gy
using CryptoGroups.Specs: MODP, ECP, EC2N, Koblitz, modulus
using CryptoGroups: CryptoGroups, generator, concretize_type, octet, order, PGroup, ECGroup, Group
#using CryptoGroups.Curves: ECPoint, gx, gy
using CryptoGroups.Specs: MODP, ECP, EC2N, Koblitz, GroupSpec
using CryptoGroups.Utils: octet2int, int2octet, @check

using CryptoPRG: bitlength
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,223 +37,147 @@ function generate_key(order::Integer)

function generate_k(order::Integer, key::BigInt, message::Vector{UInt8}, counter::UInt8 = 0x00)
#function generate_k(order::Integer, key::BigInt, message::Vector{UInt8}, counter::UInt8 = 0x00)
function generate_k(order::Integer, key::BigInt, e::BigInt, counter::UInt8 = 0x00)

n = bitlength(order)

key_bytes = int2octet(key, n)
e_bytes = int2octet(e, n)

prg = PRG("sha256"; s = UInt8[SEED..., key_bytes..., message..., counter])
prg = PRG("sha256"; s = UInt8[SEED..., key_bytes..., e_bytes..., counter])
k = rand(prg, BigInt; n) % order

if k == 0 || k == 1
return generate_k(order, key, message, counter + 0x01)
return generate_k(order, key, e, counter + 0x01)
return k

struct DSA

Base.:(==)(x::DSA, y::DSA) = x.r == y.r && x.s == y.s

struct ECDSAContext
curve::Union{ECP, EC2N, Koblitz}
hasher::Union{String, Nothing}

CryptoGroups.generator(ctx::ECDSAContext) = generator(ctx.curve)

generate_key(ctx::ECDSAContext) = generate_key(order(ctx.curve))

H(message::Vector{UInt8}, hasher) = octet2int(hex2bytes(hexdigest(hasher, message)))
H(message::Vector{UInt8}, ::Nothing) = octet2int(message) # for situations where hash is computed externally

function generator_octet(spec::Union{ECP, EC2N, Koblitz})

P = concretize_type(ECPoint, spec)
point = P(generator(spec))

return octet(point)

generator_octet(ctx::ECDSAContext) = generator_octet(ctx.curve)

function sign(ctx::ECDSAContext, message::Vector{UInt8}, generator::Vector{UInt8}, key::BigInt; counter::UInt8 = 0x00, k::BigInt = generate_k(order(ctx.curve), key, message, counter))

P = concretize_type(ECPoint, ctx.curve) # additional parameters could be passed here if needed for different backends
G = P(generator) # in this setting P can also be soft typed

e = H(message, ctx.hasher)

R = k*G
function sign(e::BigInt, g::G, key::BigInt; counter::UInt8 = 0x00, k::BigInt = generate_k(order(G), key, e, counter)) where G <: Group

= gx(R)
q = order(G)

n = order(P)
r =% n
r = g^k % q

s = invmod(k, n) * (e + key * r) % n
s = invmod(k, q) * (e + key * r) % q

if 1 < r < n - 1 && 1 < s < n - 1
if 1 < r < q - 1 && 1 < s < q - 1
return DSA(r, s)
return sign(ctx, message, generator, key; counter = counter + 0x01)
return sign(e, g, key; counter = counter + 0x01)

sign(ctx::ECDSAContext, message::Vector{UInt8}, key::BigInt; kwargs...) = sign(ctx, message, generator_octet(ctx), key; kwargs...)

function verify(ctx::ECDSAContext, message::Vector{UInt8}, generator::Vector{UInt8}, pbkey::Vector{UInt8}, signature::DSA)
function verify(e::BigInt, g::G, y::G, signature::DSA) where G <: Group

(; r, s) = signature

P = concretize_type(ECPoint, ctx.curve)
G = P(generator)
Q = P(pbkey)

e = H(message, ctx.hasher)
n = order(P)

@check 1 < r < n - 1
@check 1 < s < n - 1
q = order(G)

c = invmod(s, n)
@check 1 < r < q - 1
@check 1 < s < q - 1

u₁ = e*c % n
u₂ = r*c % n
w = invmod(s, q)

u1 = e * w % q
u2 = r * w % q

if u₁ == 0
W = u₂*Q
elseif u₂ == 0
W = u₁*G
# # Raising group element to 0 not allowed. Perhaps need to change that.
if u1 == 0
v = y^u2 % q
elseif u2 == 0
v = g^u1 % q
W = u₁*G + u₂*Q
v = g^u1 * y^u2 % q

= gx(W)
ν =% n # I could also rewrite it as ν = W % n

return ν == r
return v == r

verify(ctx::ECDSAContext, message::Vector{UInt8}, pbkey::Vector{UInt8}, signature::DSA) = verify(ctx, message, generator_octet(ctx), pbkey, signature)

function public_key(ctx::ECDSAContext, generator::Vector{UInt8}, private_key::BigInt; mode=:compressed)

P = concretize_type(ECPoint, ctx.curve)
G = P(generator)

Q = private_key * G

return octet(Q; mode)
struct DSAContext
hasher::Union{String, Nothing}

public_key(ctx::ECDSAContext, private_key::BigInt; mode=:compressed) = public_key(ctx, generator_octet(ctx), private_key; mode)
CryptoGroups.generator(ctx::DSAContext) = generator(

generate_key(ctx::DSAContext) = generate_key(order(

struct DSAContext
hasher::Union{String, Nothing}
H(message::Vector{UInt8}, hasher) = octet2int(hex2bytes(hexdigest(hasher, message)))
H(message::Vector{UInt8}, ::Nothing) = octet2int(message) # for situations where hash is computed externally

CryptoGroups.generator(ctx::DSAContext) = generator(
function generator_octet(spec::GroupSpec)

G = initialize_spec_type(spec)
g = G(generator(spec))

function generator_octet(spec::MODP)
g = generator(spec)
return int2octet(g, bitlength(modulus(spec)))
return octet(g)

generator_octet(ctx::DSAContext) = generator_octet(

initialize_spec_type(curve::Union{ECP, EC2N, Koblitz}) = concretize_type(ECGroup, curve)
initialize_spec_type(modp::MODP) = concretize_type(PGroup, modp)

function sign(ctx::DSAContext, message::Vector{UInt8}, generator::Vector{UInt8}, key::BigInt; counter::UInt8 = 0x00, k::BigInt = generate_k(order(, key, message, counter))
function sign(ctx::DSAContext, message::Vector{UInt8}, generator::Vector{UInt8}, key::BigInt; k = nothing)

G = concretize_type(PGroup,
g = G(generator)
G = initialize_spec_type( # additional parameters could be passed here if needed for different backends
g = G(generator) # in this setting P can also be soft typed

e = H(message, ctx.hasher)
q = order(G)

r = g^k % q

s = invmod(k, q) * (e + key * r) % q

if 1 < r < q - 1 && 1 < s < q - 1
return DSA(r, s)
# Is there a more idiomatic way to do this?
if isnothing(k)
return sign(e, g, key)
return sign(ctx, message, generator, key; counter = counter + 0x01)
return sign(e, g, key; k)

sign(ctx::DSAContext, message::Vector{UInt8}, key::BigInt; kwargs...) = sign(ctx, message, generator_octet(ctx), key; kwargs...)

sign(ctx::DSAContext, message::Vector{UInt8}, key::BigInt; k = nothing) = sign(ctx, message, generator_octet(ctx), key; k)

function verify(ctx::DSAContext, message::Vector{UInt8}, generator::Vector{UInt8}, pbkey::Vector{UInt8}, signature::DSA)

(; r, s) = signature
G = concretize_type(PGroup,
G = initialize_spec_type(

g = G(generator)
g = G(generator)
y = G(pbkey)

e = H(message, ctx.hasher)

e = H(message, ctx.hasher)
q = order(G)

@check 1 < r < q - 1
@check 1 < s < q - 1

w = invmod(s, q)

u1 = e * w % q
u2 = r * w % q

# # Raising group element to 0 not allowed. Perhaps need to change that.
if u1 == 0
v = y^u2 % q
elseif u2 == 0
v = g^u1 % q
v = g^u1 * y^u2 % q

return v == r
return verify(e, g, y, signature)

verify(ctx::DSAContext, message::Vector{UInt8}, pbkey::Vector{UInt8}, signature::DSA) = verify(ctx, message, generator_octet(ctx), pbkey, signature)

function public_key(ctx::DSAContext, generator::Vector{UInt8}, private_key::BigInt)

G = concretize_type(PGroup,

function public_key(ctx::DSAContext, generator::Vector{UInt8}, private_key::BigInt; mode=:compressed)

G = initialize_spec_type(
g = G(generator)

Q = g^private_key
y = g^private_key

return octet(Q)
if isa MODP
return octet(y)
return octet(y; mode)

public_key(ctx::DSAContext, private_key::BigInt) = public_key(ctx, generator_octet(ctx), private_key)
public_key(ctx::DSAContext, private_key::BigInt; mode=:compressed) = public_key(ctx, generator_octet(ctx), private_key; mode)

generate_key(ctx::DSAContext) = generate_key(order(

export sign, verify, DSA, ECDSAContext, public_key, DSAContext
export sign, verify, generate_key, public_key, DSA, DSAContext

end # module
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/degenracy.jl
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Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ end

curve = ECP(; p = 23, a = 1, b = 4, n = 29, cofactor = 1, Gx = 0, Gy = 2)
ctx = ECDSAContext(curve, "sha256")
ctx = DSAContext(curve, "sha256")

for i in 0:255

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/ec2n.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ curve = EC2N(basis;
cofactor = 2

ctx = ECDSAContext(curve, "sha1")
ctx = DSAContext(curve, "sha1")

d = 1275552191113212300012030439187146164646146646466749494799
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/ecdsa_example.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ using Test
using CryptoSignatures
import CryptoGroups

curve = CryptoGroups.curve("secp192r1")
ctx = ECDSAContext(curve, "sha1")
curve = CryptoGroups.spec(:secp192r1)
ctx = DSAContext(curve, "sha1")

private_key = CryptoSignatures.generate_key(ctx)
public_key = CryptoSignatures.public_key(ctx, private_key; mode = :uncompressed)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/ecp.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ curve = ECP(;
G = hex"03 188DA80E B03090F6 7CBF20EB 43A18800 F4FF0AFD 82FF1012",

ctx = ECDSAContext(curve, "sha1")
ctx = DSAContext(curve, "sha1")

d = 651056770906015076056810763456358567190100156695615665659
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