Releases: PaystackHQ/plugin-magento
Releases · PaystackHQ/plugin-magento
Send email for New Orders
- Allow emails to be sent for new orders
- Set Order status after payment to be based on the settings
- Update to new Paystack logo
Add Webhook handling
- Add Webhook handling
- Add option to use standard (redirects instead of popup)
Allow PHPv5.3.19 and above to install
v1.0.0.5 Allow PHP v5.3.19 and above
Ensure popup displays when template provided is blank
- Added a form tag around the Popup script tag
Default to payment accepted on success
v1.0.0.3 Default to payment accepted on success
Cancel will restore Quote, allowing visitor retry checkout
Minor Bugfix
- Make sure to trim keys before use
Paystack Magento plugin v1.0.0.0
First release. Accept Payments using Paystack Inline js file.