Reverted to MATEID
instead of PARID
for the VCF breakpoint record pairing.
is the correct field to use according to the VCF specifications.
Added FIX_SA
to gridss.ComputeSamTags
: rewrites split read SA
corrects GATK indel realignment SA
tag data inconsistency
: infers missing hard clipping if split read records have different read lengths
corrects for GATK indel realignment stripping hard clipping when realigning
GRIDSS log files should no longer be full of SA tag of read ********** refers to missing alignments
warning messages!
There should be significantly fewer data inconsistencies when running on GATK indel realigned bams.
#291 Updated libraries to htsjdk 2.21.1 and picard 2.21.8
#278 the nominal position breakpoint position at both breakend records is guaranteed to be the same
#293 gridss.GeneratePonBedpe
now defaults to treating the first sample as the normal
#283 Validating steps command line argument. Fixed bug with "all"/"call" step parsing
now writes VCF header for all filters
#295 Added error message if using a very old samtools version
#296 gridss_annotate_insertions_repeatmasker.R
now explicitly sets repeatmasker column types
Fixes crash reading a repeatmasker .fa.out file when using integer chromosome numbers without a chr prefix.
#292 gridss.SoftClipToSplitReads
now soft clips alignments that align over the start or end of a chromosome
Fixes occasional crash during assembly realignment with older bwa versions
#287 assembly contig per-base support treats RP anchoring with no valid kmers treated as the anchoring read was ignored
Fixes crash when one of two reads in a read pair is shorter than 25bp
You can’t perform that action at this time.