Added support for batched assembly #354 #397 #403 #406 #430
Overhaul of VIRUSBreakend behaviour
Added a OUTPUT.summary.csv file that is always written
This file is only written if VIRUSBreakend was successful
Provides useful stats such as viral presence, coverage, and number of integrations found
increased assembly threshold cut-offs
Better integration detection on samples with high (1000x+) viral coverage
Removed Virus-Host DB dependency due to Non-Commerical licence restriction
Now determining human virus status from NCBI virus host file
This change requires a rebuild of the VIRUSBreakend database
Maximum of 1 virus reported per genus
Stops multiple viral strains/subtypes being reporting due to a small portion of reads being misclassified by kraken2
Added scripts for reproduction of results in VIRUSBreakend manuscript
Fixed crash bug in VirusBreakendFilter
Added kraken version to VIRUSBreakend output
Added check for existence of RepeatMasker
now always replaces pipes in contig name with underscores
Removed unnecessary GKL library warning message
Hard limit maximum assembly base quality to the max of 93 representable by Sanger format fastq #404
You can’t perform that action at this time.