Unitful v1.3.0
Closed issues:
- Consider deleting custom show methods for types (#321)
- Fix uconvert For Inverse Units (#338)
TwicePrecision errors on nightly (#340)- Duplicate @affineunit in documentation (#347)
- Documentation is not deployed (#348)
Merged pull requests:
- Provide Base.isless() for LogScaled values (#315) (@VikoRifeo)
- Delete show(::IO, ::Type) methods. (#322) (@andreasnoack)
- Add CompatHelper, reduce frequency of TagBot to once per day (#337) (@giordano)
- Small fixes to documentation (#341) (@sostock)
- Fix some doctests (#345) (@sostock)
- Delete duplicate @affineunit docstring in the documentation (#349) (@sostock)
- Add AbstractQuantity docstring to docs (#351) (@sostock)
- Update repo URL (#352) (@sostock)
- Switch to a more standard Documenter setup (#353) (@sostock)
- Throw error for div etc. with affine quantities (#354) (@sostock)
- Enable Travis on macOS (#355) (@giordano)
- Fixes for the documentation (#356) (@sostock)
- Properly document Quantity constructor (#357) (@sostock)
- Fix link to documentation in README.md: latest -> dev. (#360) (@ajkeller34)
- Add page headers to documentation (#361) (@sostock)