Unitful v1.1.0
Closed issues:
- Better display for units (#18)
- Move to version 1.0 (#289)
- Congratulations to Unitful! (#302)
- some of type information string is not displayed right (#304)
- Rounding with digits/sigdigits (#307)
- Typo in runtests.jl (#311)
- Base.isequal works differently than == (#314)
Merged pull requests:
- Add unit of year (#288) (@briochemc)
- unicode exponents for display (#297) (@briochemc)
- Remove code for Julia < 1.0 (#303) (@sostock)
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#305) (@JuliaTagBot)
- Fix rounding with digits/sigdigits (#308) (@sostock)
- Fix typo in tests (#312) (@giordano)
- Support mixed argument types to
and friends (#317) (@Tokazama)