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Divide units instead of basefactors in convfact and error on floati…
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…ng-point over-/underflow (#648)
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Socob authored Aug 4, 2023
1 parent e4c92d2 commit 685b2b0
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Showing 4 changed files with 74 additions and 42 deletions.
48 changes: 21 additions & 27 deletions src/conversion.jl
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@@ -1,38 +1,26 @@
convfact(s::Units, t::Units)
Find the conversion factor from unit `t` to unit `s`, e.g., `convfact(m,cm) == 1//100`.
Find the conversion factor from unit `t` to unit `s`, e.g., `convfact(m, cm) == 1//100`.
@generated function convfact(s::Units, t::Units)
sunits = s.parameters[1]
tunits = t.parameters[1]

# Check if conversion is possible in principle
sdim = dimension(s())
tdim = dimension(t())
sdim != tdim && throw(DimensionError(s(),t()))

# first convert to base SI units.
# fact1 is what would need to be multiplied to get to base SI units
# fact2 is what would be multiplied to get from the result to base SI units

inex1, ex1 = basefactor(t())
inex2, ex2 = basefactor(s())

a = inex1 / inex2
ex = ex1 // ex2 # do overflow checking?
dimension(s()) != dimension(t()) && throw(DimensionError(s(), t()))

tens1 = mapreduce(tensfactor, +, tunits; init=0)
tens2 = mapreduce(tensfactor, +, sunits; init=0)

pow = tens1-tens2
# use absoluteunit because division is invalid for AffineUnits;
# convert to FreeUnits first because absolute ContextUnits might still
# promote to AffineUnits
conv_units = absoluteunit(FreeUnits(t())) / absoluteunit(FreeUnits(s()))
inex, ex = basefactor(conv_units)
pow = tensfactor(conv_units)
inex_orig = inex

fpow = 10.0^pow
if fpow > typemax(Int) || 1/(fpow) > typemax(Int)
a *= fpow
if fpow > typemax(Int) || 1/fpow > typemax(Int)
inex *= fpow
comp = (pow > 0 ? fpow * numerator(ex) : 1/fpow * denominator(ex))
if comp > typemax(Int)
a *= fpow
inex *= fpow
ex *= (10//1)^pow
Expand All @@ -41,9 +29,15 @@ Find the conversion factor from unit `t` to unit `s`, e.g., `convfact(m,cm) == 1
if ex isa Rational && denominator(ex) == 1
ex = numerator(ex)
a 1.0 ? (inex = 1) : (inex = a)
y = inex * ex

result = (inex 1.0 ? 1 : inex) * ex
if fp_overflow_underflow(inex_orig, result)
"Floating point overflow/underflow, probably due to large " *
"exponents and/or SI prefixes in units"
return :($result)

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35 changes: 21 additions & 14 deletions src/units.jl
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function basefactor(inex, ex, eq, tens, p)
# Sometimes (x::Rational)^1 can fail for large rationals because the result
# is of type x*x so we do a hack here
function dpow(x,p)
function dpow(x, p)
if p == 0
elseif p == 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,19 +232,23 @@ function basefactor(inex, ex, eq, tens, p)
# Note that sometimes x^1 can cause an overflow error if x is large because
# of how power_by_squaring is implemented for Rationals, so we use dpow.
x = dpow(eq*ex*(10//1)^tens, p)
return (inex^p, isinteger(x) ? Int(x) : x)
result = (inex^p, isinteger(x) ? Int(x) : x)
x = dpow(ex*(10//1)^tens, p)
return ((inex*eq)^p, isinteger(x) ? Int(x) : x)
result = ((inex * eq)^p, isinteger(x) ? Int(x) : x)
if eq_is_exact && can_exact2
x = dpow(eq,p)
return ((inex * ex * 10.0^tens)^p, isinteger(x) ? Int(x) : x)
x = dpow(eq, p)
result = ((inex * ex * 10.0^tens)^p, isinteger(x) ? Int(x) : x)
return ((inex * ex * 10.0^tens * eq)^p, 1)
result = ((inex * ex * 10.0^tens * eq)^p, 1)
if fp_overflow_underflow(inex, first(result))
throw(ArgumentError("Floating point overflow/underflow, probably due to large exponent ($p)"))
return result

Expand All @@ -257,18 +261,21 @@ reference units.
@inline basefactor(x::Unit{U}) where {U} = basefactor(basefactors[U]..., 1, 0, power(x))

function basefactor(x::Units{U}) where {U}
function basefactor(::Units{U}) where {U}
fact1 = map(basefactor, U)
inex1 = mapreduce(x->getfield(x,1), *, fact1, init=1.0)
float_num = mapreduce(x->float(numerator(getfield(x,2))), *, fact1, init=1.0)
float_den = mapreduce(x->float(denominator(getfield(x,2))), *, fact1, init=1.0)
can_exact = (float_num < typemax(Int))
can_exact &= (float_den < typemax(Int))
inex1 = mapreduce(first, *, fact1, init=1.0)
float_num = mapreduce(x -> float(numerator(last(x))), *, fact1, init=1.0)
float_den = mapreduce(x -> float(denominator(last(x))), *, fact1, init=1.0)
can_exact = float_num < typemax(Int) && float_den < typemax(Int)
if can_exact
return inex1, mapreduce(x->getfield(x,2), *, fact1, init=1)
result = (inex1, mapreduce(last, *, fact1, init=1))
return inex1*float_num/float_den, 1
result = (inex1 * (float_num / float_den), 1)
if any(fp_overflow_underflow(first(x), first(result)) for x in fact1)
throw(ArgumentError("Floating point overflow/underflow, probably due to a large exponent in some of the units"))
return result

Base.broadcastable(x::Units) = Ref(x)
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -253,3 +253,6 @@ struct AffineError <: Exception

Base.showerror(io::IO, e::AffineError) = print(io, "AffineError: $(e.x)")

fp_overflow_underflow(input, result) =
isfinite(input) && !isfinite(result) || !iszero(input) && iszero(result)
30 changes: 29 additions & 1 deletion test/runtests.jl
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const colon = Base.:(:)

macro test_or_throws(extype, ex)
return :(
# if the first line throws, go to @test_throws in catch clause
# if not: test expression normally
result = $ex
@test result
@test_throws $extype $ex

@testset "Construction" begin
@test isa(NoUnits, FreeUnits)
@test typeof(𝐋) === Unitful.Dimensions{(Unitful.Dimension{:Length}(1),)}
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@test 1u"rps" == 2π/s
@test 1u"rpm" == 360°/minute
@test 1u"rpm" == 2π/minute

# Issue 458:
@test deg2rad(360°) 2π * rad
@test rad2deg(2π * rad) 360°
# Issue 647:
@test uconvert(u"kb^1000", 1u"kb^1001 * b^-1") === 1000u"kb^1000"
@test uconvert(u"kOe^1000", 1u"kOe^1001 * Oe^-1") === 1000u"kOe^1000"
# Floating point overflow/underflow in uconvert can happen if the
# conversion factor is large, because uconvert does not cancel
# common basefactors (or just for really large exponents and/or
# SI prefixes). This test makes sure that uconvert does not silently
# return NaN, Inf, or 0 in these cases, i.e. either returns a finite
# result or throws an error indicating that it cannot handle the
# conversion.
is_finite_nonzero(x) = isfinite(x) && !iszero(x)
@test_or_throws ArgumentError is_finite_nonzero(uconvert(u"kb^12", 1u"b^12"))
@test_or_throws ArgumentError is_finite_nonzero(uconvert(u"ab^11", 1u"Tb^11"))
@test_or_throws ArgumentError is_finite_nonzero(uconvert(u"Tb^11", 1u"ab^11"))
@test_or_throws ArgumentError is_finite_nonzero(uconvert(u"b^11 * eV", 1u"m^22 * J"))
@test_or_throws ArgumentError is_finite_nonzero(uconvert(u"m^22 * J", 1u"b^11 * eV"))
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