This plugin allows Beaver to be integrated into a Maven build. Beaver grammar definition files
are included in a beaver
language directory, with grammars generated in a generated-sources
directory under target.
Currently the plugin is still under development so it is not yet on Maven central. To add
the repository for use in your own pom.xml
file, add the following repository:
This repository contains the current version of the plugin, based on the sources checked
in to GitHub. Feel free to change updatePolicy
based on your needs. You also need to
add the plugin as a dependency:
To use the plugin, the following should be added to your pom.xml
file as part of the
Most of this can remain unchanged. The grammar definition itself, given as the param
in the
tag, should be changed to point to the Beaver grammar you are trying
to compile. The outputDirectory
can probably remain unchanged unless you have a strong
reason for putting the compiled sources elsewhere. There are several other parameters
available as well; additional documentation will be forthcoming shortly.