Provision a 3-tier-application with terraform, consisting of a PostGreSQL Database, two nginx webservers and a load balancer. Also provide additional infrastructure, including a keyvault, and Ansible Host and a Bastion Host. Then configure the Webservers using Ansible. This includes OS updates, OS hardening, creating a user and adding a Telegraf agent to collect nginx metrics.
- go the dev or prod environment
- configure the main to your preference or use the standard config matching the above displayed use case
- run terraform commands:
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
- run ansible playbook: (pass the stage variable matching the stage you chose for step 1)
ansible-playbook playbook.yaml -i inventory_azure_rm.yaml
- when running the project with remote state file, configure via azure.conf and
- pipeline can be imported and started directly via Azure Devops
- Run
first to setup TF state file and a keyvault. Add the Service Principal credentials to the keyvault (required for Ansible). Change the keyvault name as it needs to be unique over all azure accounts. - Next run
for the Terraform infrastructure and finallyansible-setup.yml
for the Nginx Setup via Ansible. - Destroy all with the
For complete Documentation also see the Documentation Folder. Also each module has its own markdown file, containing basic information.