Tools to automatically setup the code-minimum 'Baseline' values for Passive House models.
The most basic usage is a to edit the values of an existing PHPP file to match a desired code-minimum configuration.
>>> # --- Connect to an instance of Excel with your PHPP file open.
>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> from PHX.xl import xl_app
>>> from PHX.PHPP import phpp_app
>>> xl = xl_app.XLConnection(xl_framework=xw)
>>> _phpp_conn = phpp_app.PHPPConnection(xl)
>>> # --- Load the Code baseline model you would like to follow.
>>> import pathlib
>>> from import BaselineCode
>>> baseline_code_file_path = pathlib.Path(".", "ph_baseliner", "codes", "2020_ECCCNY.json")
>>> _baseline_code = BaselineCode.parse_file(baseline_code_file_path)
>>> # --- Set the PHPP values as desired in the various Worksheets
>>> from import ClimateZones
>>> from ph_baseliner.phpp.areas import set_baseline_envelope_constructions
>>> set_baseline_envelope_constructions(_phpp_conn, _baseline_code, ClimateZones.CZ4)
Note: The baseliner will change the values of the PHPP file, and so you should be sure to make a backup copy before using this tool.