EDUCATION Repository
The Maven Lifecycle handle the sequence of process steps. Each step has a dependency to a previous step. Running for e.g.
mvn test
will trigger the following steps
- validate
- compile
- test
Details will be explained at the Lifecycle Reference.
Running Maven for the first time, will download needed Repositories to the local Repository, which is located to your user home directory in the subdirectory .m2
Ant works the "same way" like Maven, but there's no real standardisation. A common standard schema exists, but it's possible to extend it individually for your needs and project structure.
There are a handful of recommended default targets, where nearly every target includes target dependency mentioned in (...):
- clean
- init
- compile (init)
- test (compile)
- jar (test)
- install
- run (jar)
- main (clean, run)
Running for e.g.
ant test
will trigger the following steps
- init
- compile
- test
ant run
will trigger the following steps
- init
- compile
- test
- jar
- run
It's possible to use a to create a environment independet build. All individual configurations are included as single Properties. A Property could be e.g. a Folder, a Output File, ...
to deliver all possible configurations just use a and add this to your Repository. Your own configuration of should be ignored in Version Control System.
Use SimpleAutomaticBuildProject for understanding Steps in Build Automation. Run those mvn commands for better understanding
mvn compile
compile your project
mvn package
build a jar file from your project
java -cp target\SimpleAutomaticBuildProject-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar at.fhj.iit.Main YOUR-NAME
execute JAR File with an argument
mvn exec:java
also execute JAR File, but by using a Maven Plugin. Output will between the Maven Output.
After understanding Maven Build you can start to build a classic Ant Project. Use this simple Ant build.xml Demo for a first quick start.
- Restructure from Maven Project Layout to Ant Project Layout
- Create build.xml with recommended targets using common Ant Tasks
- finally run following command
ant run
which should create same "Hello World" output with your name