- Historical economical activity data for New Zeland
- Economical policy data of New Zealand Government
- To build a solid fundation for further data analysis
- To find correlation between these data
All data files are in CSV format under the data folder.
- merge_data.csv : Final merged data.
- cpi_nz.csv : Historical CPI data
- hpi.csv: Historical HPI data
- labour_force_status.xlsx: Historical unemployment data
- nzd-cny_exchange_rate.csv : New Zealand dollar Chinese yuan exchange rate
- nzd-usd_exchange_rate.csv: New Zealand dollar US dollar exchange rate
- official_cash_rate.csv: Historical official cash rate
- total_exports_final_clean_1988Q1-2022Q3.csv: Historical export data
- total_imports_final_clean_1988Q1-2022Q3.csv: Historical import data
- "tourism-summary of expenditure by type of product and type of tourist 2007 - 2021.csv": Historical tourism expenditure summary
- tourism_final_clean_arriavals_1921Q1-2022Q2.csv: Historical tourism arrival data
- "transport-State Highway Traffic Volumes-2015-2019-all-regions.xlsx": Historical transport volumes data
- transport_final_clean_vehicle_licensed_1921-2022.csv : Historical transport data.
- Collector_Juia_API.ipynb : Julia Code for scraping web data
- Collector_R_WebDriver.ipynb : R Code for scraping web data
- Data_Visualisation.ipynb : R Code for generating visualisation based on merged data
- Data_Wrangling.ipynb : R Code for data wrangling
- total_exports_StatsNZinfoShare-1988-2022.ipynb : R script for scraping and automatation of Total export
- total_imports_StatsNZinfoShare-1988-2022.ipynb : R script for scraping and automatation of Import export
- tourism_automating_download_visitors_arrivals_StatsNZinfoShare-1921-2022.ipynb : R script for scraping and automatation of visitors data
- transport_vehicles_currently_licenced_StatsNZinfoShare-1988-2022.ipynb : R script for scraping and automatation of transport vehicles currently licenced
- transport-volume-count-yearly-from-NZTA-JULIA.ipynb : Julia script for scraping and automatation transport-volume
- endpoints.R : There are five endpoints which provide a summary, list of each variables and data in the dataset.
- run-api : Use plumber to invoke the endpoint script
- setup : setting up the R libraries
- DatabaseDesign.vsd: Entity Relationship Diagram in Visio
- Report.docx: project report, contains all the descriptions and visualization.
- Group Project Presentation.pptx: Group Project Presentation file in PPT format.
- project.daily.md: project diary in Markdown format.