you know, for dating. Try it at (self-hosted, sometimes down)
- Structure according to Golang Clean Architecture
- Find code in
folder, there will be 3 layer. These are repo, usecase and handler (from bottom to top). Top layer can reuse bottom, bottom can't call top layer - All interface and struct definition in
folder - API Definition is on
folder - Config is on
Please see documentation.pdf for the integration test criteria and result (the last section in the bottom).
Due to time constraint the following is not implemented:
- CI/CD, but you can check my implementation here
- Unit Test. I usually use, which can generate mock from interface using
go gen
, than you can inject the mock object into the test struct like thisusecase := New(config, mockAccountRepo)
- Download docker-desktop with docker-compose cli
- Run
docker-compose up -d
Alternatively we can use services in the k8s directly using these steps (requires kubectl access):
- Run these commands on a new terminal
kubectl port-forward services/yb-tservers -n bimble 5433:5433 & \
kubectl port-forward services/redis-standalone -n bimble 6379:6379 & \
kubectl port-forward services/otel-collector-collector -n bimble 4317:4317
- Keep it running
- Set these env
- Run
goose -dir migrations up
- Install make cli
- Run
make setup
- Run
make start-local
- Stop the go service
- Modify protos in
folder - Run
make api
, this will generate stub that you can use. It also generate openapi.yaml spec in./
- Start the go service
- Install
modify-secret - Run
kubectl modify-secret bimble-backend -n bimble
- Edit and save to apply changes
- Run
kubectl rollout restart deployment bimble-backend-depl -n bimble
to reload the deployment