Some API proposals to codingame team
This repository contains several API requests for the codingame website. The idea comes from this topic, where [CG]G-Rom suggested that we could suggest some API structure for the future architecture of the site.
Everyone is welcome to help improve the APIs definitions or add new one. I'll be more than happy to merge your pull requests.
Name | Type | Status | Output size (approx.) |
001-getMultiplayerLeaderboard | Reversed | Pending | 590 kb |
003-findAllByTestSessionHandle | Reversed | Broken | ? |
004-findAvailableProgrammingLanguages | Reversed | Pending | 1.5 kb |
005-findGamesPuzzleProgress | Reversed | Unusable | 190 kb |
006-getAchievementsByCodingamerId | Reversed | Pending | 80 kb |
007-getPuzzleLeaderboard | Reversed | Pending | 3.3 Mb |
008-getCodingamerByName | Reversed | Pending | 500 b |
009-findRankingPoints | Reversed | Pending | 4 kb |
010-findByCodingamerId | Reversed | Pending | 1 Mb |
011-findCodingamePointsStatsByHandle | Reversed | Pending | 1 Mb |
012-findBestByCodingamerId | Reversed | Pending | 1 kb ~ 1 Mb |
013-getMyConsoleInformation | Reversed | Pending | 500 kb |
Column | Value | Description |
Type | Reversed | This API has been reverse-engineered from the codingame website |
Type | Request | This API is a request from the users to the codingame team. It's as if we said "please, please, please do it" |
Status | Pending | Waiting for codingame confirmation |
Status | Confirmed | Codingame team has confirmed that it can be used as a long-term solution |
Status | Broken | Has been know to work at one time, but can't be reproduced for now or is not available anymore |
Status | Unusable | Can't be used outside of the browser (because it needs private information/connection cookie) |