Single page docker nginx
NGINX webserver that serves a simple page containing its hostname, IP address and port as wells as the request URI and the local time of the webserver.
The images are uploaded to Docker Hub --
How to run:
$ docker run -p 8080:80 -d dockerbogo/docker-nginx-hello-world
Now, assuming we found out the IP address and the port that mapped to port 80 on the container, in a browser we can make a request to the webserver and get the page below:
Reference: Docker & Kubernetes
I've modified this repo for pushing to Amazon AWS ECS. The following changes must be implemented in AWS:
Reference: Use IAM Roles to Connect Github Actions in AWS
IAM --> Access Management --> Identity Providers
- Add Provider
- Select OpenID Connect
- Provider URL:
- Click "Get thumbprint"
- Audience:
- Click Add Provider
- The ARN of the provider will be used to create the trust policy of the role
IAM Role A role must be created which uses a Custom Trust Policy. The Policy is as follows:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::********:oidc-provider/" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity", "Condition": { "StringLike": { "": "", "": "repo:OmegaZero/docker-nginx-hello-world:*" } } } ] }
- The value of Federated is the ARN of the Identity Provider created in Step 1
- Change the sub tag to the path of your repo
- Give the Role the following Permissions:
- AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess
- AmazonECS_FullAccess
ECR Repository
- Can be left Private
- Repository Name should be "docker-nginx-hello-world" (this is the suffix of the entire uri)
- All other details can be left default
- After ECR creation, copy the URI for the next step
ECS Task Definition
- Create new task definition
- Task family name "docker-nginx-hello-world"
- Launch Type: AWS Fargate
- Operating System: Linux/X86_64
- CPU: 1 vCPU
- Memory: 2GB (which is the minimum at the time of this writing)
- Task Role: Leave "-" (unless you already have a ecsTaskExecutionRole)
- Task Execution Role: "Create new role" (unless you already have a ecsTaskExecutionRole)
- Container 1:
- Name: docker-nginx-hello-world
- Image URI: Paste the URI of the ECR created in the last step
- Essential Container: Yes
- Container Port: 80
- Protocol: TCP
- App Protocol: HTTP
- Leave all other defaults and click Create
- After the Task definition is created, go into it and click the JSON tab, then copy the JSON
- Replace the contents of .aws/hello-world-td-revision1.json in this GitHub repo
ECS Cluster
- Cluster Name: docker-nginx-hello-world
- Infrastructure: AWS Fargate
- Click Create
ECS Cluster Service
- Go into the cluster created in the last step and go to Services Tab
- Click Create
- Computer options: Launch Type
- Leave defaulta (Launch Type: FARGATE, Platform Version: Latest)
- Application Type: Service
- Family: docker-nginx-hello-world
- Service Name: docker-nginx-hello-world
- Service Type: Replica
- Desired Tasks: 1
- Networking:
- Click which vpc you desire (default should be fine if you have not changed your vpcs)
- Security Group: Create new security group
- Security group name: docker-nginx-hello-world
- Inbound:
- Type: HTTP
- Source: Anywhere
- Public IP is enabled
- Click Create
After this, the GitHub Action workflow just needs to be modified. The workflow provided in .github/workflows/aws.yml should work with the above settings, however the value
role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::590183971879:role/GitHub
needs to be changed to the ARN of the role created in Step 2 above
If you have issues please review this excellent tutorial here