This project contains all the XHTML, CSS and other files for creating an EPUB of the book 'Frank Herbert', which is written by Timothy O'Reilly and was published in 1981. The repo consists of a Python file which generates the EPUB. Outside of the Python script, a book cover and a CSS stylesheet is present. If you want to edit the CSS, feel free to submit a pull request.
To get started, install the requirements in your virtual environment:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To generate the EPUB, run the Python script:
The book's text is retrieved from O'Reilly's website, where he published the book. In the intro section of the book, he states that he wrote a letter to the publisher:
Last year, I wrote to Crossroads/Continuum and asked for a reversion of rights to the book so I could put it up on the Web. My letter went unanswered. Since they didn’t bother to answer, I decided to go ahead and do it anyway, figuring, as they say, that it’s sometimes easier to get forgiveness than permission. If anyone from Crossroads/Continuum notices, please give me a call or drop an email. I’d love to see the book back in print, or if not, at least to have your blessing on this Web version.
Therefore, I have decided to not use any license for the time being, given the licensing situation is unresolved. I follow Tim O'Reilly's example to just publish it on the web, but in an EPUB format. Given this licensing situation, users should be aware of the potential legal risks involved in using this content due to the unresolved copyright status. If I will get a takedown request in the future, I will remove this repository. Also, the creator of this repository is not responsible for any legal repercussions that may result from using the contents of this repository.