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Novalnet-Technic committed Nov 10, 2021
0 parents commit eb4058b
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Showing 43 changed files with 13,862 additions and 0 deletions.
307 changes: 307 additions & 0 deletions callback_novalnet2zencart.php
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@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@

* Novalnet Callback Script for Zencart
* This script is used for real time capturing of parameters passed
* from Novalnet AG after Payment processing of customers.
* This script is only free to the use for Merchants of Novalnet AG
* If you have found this script useful a small recommendation as well
* as a comment on merchant form would be greatly appreciated.
* Please contact [email protected] for enquiry or info
* ABSTRACT: This script is called from Novalnet, as soon as a payment
* done for payment methods, e.g. Prepayment, Invoice.
* An email will be sent if an error occurs
* @category Novalnet
* @package Novalnet
* @version 1.0
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2012 Novalnet AG. (
* @license Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* @notice 1. This script must be placed in Zencart root folder
* to avoid rewrite rules (mod_rewrite)
* 2. You have to adapt the value of all the variables
* commented with 'adapt ...'
* 3. Set $test/$debug to false for live system

//Variable Settings
$debug = true; //false|true; adapt: set to false for go-live
$test = true; //false|true; adapt: set to false for go-live
$lineBreak = empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? PHP_EOL : '<br />';
$addSubsequentTidToDb = true; //whether to add the new tid to db; adapt if necessary
// Order State/Status Settings
/* 4. Standard Types of Status:
1. Pending = 1
2. Processing = 2
3. Delivered = 3
4. Update = 4
$orderState = 3; //Note: Indicates Payment accepted.
//Security Setting; only this IP is allowed for call back script
$ipAllowed = ''; //Novalnet IP, is a fixed value, DO NOT CHANGE!!!!!
//Reporting Email Addresses Settings
$shopInfo = 'Zencart Shop' . $lineBreak; //manditory;adapt for your need
$mailHost = ''; //adapt
$mailPort = 25; //adapt
$emailFromAddr = ''; //sender email addr., manditory, adapt it
$emailToAddr = ''; //recipient email addr., manditory, adapt it
$emailSubject = 'Novalnet Callback Script Access Report'; //adapt if necessary;
$emailBody = ''; //Email text, adapt
$emailFromName = ""; // Sender name, adapt
$emailToName = ""; // Recipient name, adapt
//Parameters Settings
$hParamsRequired = array(
'vendor_id' => '',
'tid' => '',
'payment_type' => '',
'status' => '',
'amount' => '',
'tid_payment' => '');

$hParamsTest = array(
'vendor_id' => '4',
'status' => '100',
'amount' => '52679', //must be avail. in shop database; 850 = 8.50
'payment_type' => 'INVOICE_CREDIT',
'tid_payment' => '12613900002304354', //orig. tid; must be avail. in shop database
'tid' => '12345678901234567', //subsequent tid, from Novalnet backend; can be a fake for test

//Test Data Settings
if ($test) {
$_REQUEST = $hParamsTest;
$emailFromName = "Novalnet"; // Sender name, adapt
$emailToName = "Novalnet"; // Recipient name, adapt
$emailFromAddr = '[email protected]'; //manditory for test; adapt
$emailToAddr = '[email protected]'; //manditory for test; adapt
$emailSubject = $emailSubject . ' - TEST'; //adapt

// ################### Main Prog. ##########################
try {
//Check Params
if (checkIP($_REQUEST)) {
if (checkParams($_REQUEST)) {
//Get Order ID and Set New Order Status
if ($orderIncrementId = getIncrementId($_REQUEST)) {
setOrderStatus($orderIncrementId); //and send error mails if any
if (!$emailBody) {
$emailBody .= 'Novalnet Callback Script called for StoreId Parameters: ' . print_r($_POST, true) . $lineBreak;
$emailBody .= 'Novalnet callback succ. ' . $lineBreak;
$emailBody .= 'Params: ' . print_r($_REQUEST, true) . $lineBreak;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$emailBody .= "Exception catched: $lineBreak\$e:" . $e->getMessage() . $lineBreak;

if ($emailBody) {
if (!sendEmailZencart($emailBody)) {
if ($debug) {
echo "Mailing failed!" . $lineBreak;
echo "This mail text should be sent: " . $lineBreak;
echo $emailBody;

// ############## Sub Routines #####################
function sendEmailZencart($emailBody) {
global $lineBreak, $debug, $test, $emailFromAddr, $emailToAddr, $emailFromName, $emailToName, $emailSubject, $shopInfo, $mailHost, $mailPort;
$emailBodyT = str_replace('<br />', PHP_EOL, $emailBody);
//Send Email
ini_set('SMTP', $mailHost);
ini_set('smtp_port', $mailPort);
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1');
$headers = 'From: ' . $emailFromAddr . "\r\n";
try {
if ($debug) {
echo __FUNCTION__ . ': Sending Email suceeded!' . $lineBreak;
$sendmail = mail($emailToAddr, $emailSubject, $emailBodyT, $headers);
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($debug) {
echo 'Email sending failed: ' . $e->getMessage();
return false;
if ($debug) {
echo 'This text has been sent:' . $lineBreak . $emailBody;
return true;

function checkParams($_request) {
global $lineBreak, $hParamsRequired, $emailBody;
$error = false;
$emailBody = '';
if (!$_request) {
$emailBody .= 'No params passed over!' . $lineBreak;
return false;
} elseif ($hParamsRequired) {
foreach ($hParamsRequired as $k => $v) {
if (empty($_request[$k])) {
$error = true;
$emailBody .= 'Required param (' . $k . ') missing!' . $lineBreak;
if ($error) {
return false;
//Only Payment Type 'INVOICE_CREDIT' allowed; Otherwise you have to adapt the logic
if (!empty($_request['payment_type']) and 'INVOICE_CREDIT' != strtoupper($_request['payment_type'])) {
// Nothing to do
$emailBody .= "Novalnet callback received. But payment_type != INVOICE_CREDIT (" . $_request['payment_type'] . ")$lineBreak";
return false;

if (!empty($_request['status']) and 100 != $_request['status']) {
$emailBody .= 'The status codes [' . $_request['status'] . '] is not valid: Only 100 is allowed.' . "$lineBreak$lineBreak" . $lineBreak;
return false;
return true;

function getIncrementId($_request) {
global $lineBreak, $tableOrderPayment, $tableOrder, $emailBody, $debug, $db;
$orderDetails = array();

if (!empty($_request['order_no'])) {
return $_request['order_no'];
} elseif (!empty($_request['order_id'])) {
return $_request['order_id'];
$query = "SELECT orders_id, orders_status_id from " . TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY . " WHERE comments LIKE '%" . $_request['tid_payment'] . "%'";
try {
$orders = $db->Execute($query);
$orders_id = $orders->fields['orders_id'];
$order_status = $orders->fields['orders_status_id'];
} catch (Exception $e) {
$emailBody .= 'The original order not found in the shop database table (`' . TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY . '`);';
$emailBody .= 'Reason: ' . $e->getMessage() . $lineBreak . $lineBreak;
$emailBody .= 'Query : ' . $qry . $lineBreak . $lineBreak;
return false;
require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'order.php');
$orderDetails = new order($orders_id);
if ($debug) {
echo'Order Details:<pre>';
echo $orderDetails->info['total'].'<br>';
echo $orderDetails->info['payment_module_code'];
if (!$orders or empty($orders_id) or !$orderDetails) {
//$emailBody .= 'increment_id n/a' . $lineBreak;
$emailBody .= 'No Order for TID : '.$_request['tid_payment']. $lineBreak;
return false;
//check amount
$amount = $_request['amount'];
$order_total = $orderDetails->info['total'];
$_amount = intval(round($order_total * 100));

// $final_price = round($order_total->fields['value'], 2);
// $_amount = isset($final_price) ? $final_price * 100 : 0;
if (!$_amount || (intval("$_amount") != intval("$amount"))) {
$emailBody .= "The order amount ($_amount) does not match with the request amount ($amount)$lineBreak$lineBreak";
return false;
$paymentType = strtolower($orderDetails->info['payment_module_code']);
if (!in_array($paymentType, array('novalnet_prepayment', 'novalnet_invoice','novalnet kauf auf rechnung','novalnet vorauskasse'))) {
$emailBody .= "The order payment type ($paymentType) is not Prepayment!$lineBreak$lineBreak";
return false;
return $orders_id; // == true

function setOrderStatus($incrementId) {
global $lineBreak, $createInvoice, $emailBody, $orderStatus, $orderState, $tableOrderPayment, $addSubsequentTidToDb, $db;

if ($incrementId) {
if ($addSubsequentTidToDb){
$comments = ' Novalnet Callback Script executed successfully. The subsequent TID: (' . $_REQUEST['tid'] . ') on ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$query = "SELECT orders_status from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " WHERE orders_id = '".$incrementId."' ";
$order_qry = $db->Execute($query);
$orders_status_id = $order_qry->fields['orders_status'];
if($orders_status_id!= $orderState){
$qry ="update ".TABLE_ORDERS." set orders_status = '$orderState', last_modified = now() where orders_id = '".$incrementId."' ";
$random_query = $db->Execute($qry);
// if ($num_rows > 1){
$customer_notified = '1';
$new_status_qry = $db->Execute("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY." (orders_id, orders_status_id, date_added, customer_notified, comments) VALUES (".$incrementId.", ".$orderState.", NOW(), '".$customer_notified."', '".$comments."')");

// }else{
// $emailBody .= 'Updating database table ('.TABLE_ORDERS.') failed;';
// //$emailBody .= 'Reason: '.$e->getMessage().$lineBreak.$lineBreak;
// $emailBody .= 'Query : '.$qry.$lineBreak.$lineBreak;
// return false;
// }
$emailBody .= 'Updating database table ('.TABLE_ORDERS.') failed;';
return false;
} else {
$emailBody .= "Novalnet Callback: No order for Increment-ID $incrementId found.";
return false;
$emailBody .= "succeeded.";

return true;

function checkIP($_REQUEST) {
global $lineBreak, $ipAllowed, $test, $emailBody;
if ($test) {
$ipAllowed = getRealIpAddr();
$callerIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
if ($ipAllowed != $callerIp) {
$emailBody .= 'Unauthorised access from the IP [' . $callerIp . ']' . $lineBreak . $lineBreak;
$emailBody .= 'Request Params: ' . print_r($_REQUEST, true);
return false;
return true;

function isPublicIP($value) {
if (!$value || count(explode('.', $value)) != 4)
return false;
return !preg_match('~^((0|10|172\.16|192\.168|169\.254|255|127\.0)\.)~', $value);

function getRealIpAddr() {
if ($iplist = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
if (isPublicIP($iplist[0]))
return $iplist[0];
if (isPublicIP($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))
include ('includes/application_bottom.php');
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions includes/languages/english/modules/payment/novalnet_cc.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@

# #
# CC / CREDIT CARD payment method class #
# This module is used for real time processing of #
# Credit card data of customers. #
# #
# Released under the GNU General Public License. #
# This free contribution made by request. #
# If you have found this script useful a small #
# recommendation as well as a comment on merchant form #
# would be greatly appreciated. #
# #
# Script : novalnet_cc.php #
# #

define('MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVALNET_CC_TEXT_TITLE', '<nobr>Credit Card <a href=" " target="_new"><img src="" alt="Visa & Mastercard" /></a></nobr>');
define('MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVALNET_CC_TEXT_DESCRIPTION', 'Pay safe and easy through Novalnet AG<BR>Before activating please enter the required Novalnet IDs in Edit mode!');

define('MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVALNET_CC_TEXT_PUBLIC_TITLE', '<nobr>Credit Card <a href=" " target="_new"><img src="" alt="Visa & Mastercard" /></a></nobr>');

define('MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVALNET_CC_IN_TEST_MODE', ' (in Testing mode)');

define('MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVALNET_CC_TEXT_JS_NN_MISSING', '* Basic Parameter Missing!');
define('MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVALNET_CC_TEXT_JS_NN_ID2_MISSING', '* Product-ID2 and/or Tariff-ID2 missing!');
define('MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVALNET_CC_TEXT_ERROR', 'Credit card data Error:');
define('MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVALNET_CC_TID_MESSAGE',"Novalnet Transaction ID : ");
define('MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVALNET_CC_AMOUNT_VARIATION_MESSAGE',"You have changed the cart amount after getting PIN number, please try again with new call");
define('MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVALNET_CC_CURL_MESSAGE',"* You have to enable the CURL function on server, please check with your hosting provider about it!");
define('MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVALNET_INFORMATION_PAYMENT_CC', "The amount will be booked immediatley from your credit card when you submit the order.");

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